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Tung httpd conf

46 bytes added, 17:44, 27 July 2011
Create a web script in user's home
#*For cgi files: <b><code><font color=green >semanage fcontext -at httpd_sys_script_exec_t "/home/[^/]*/public_html/.+\.cgi"</font></code></b>
#*For non-cgi files: <b><code><font color=green >semanage fcontext -at httpd_user_content_t "/home/[^/]*/public_html/.+"</font></code></b>
#Apply the context: restorecon <b><code><font color=green >-vRF public_html</font></code></b>
#Logout root
#Create diskfree.cgi and change its permission to executable: <b><code><font color=green >chmod 705 /home/user/public_html/*.cgi</font></code></b>
#Write lines in diskfree.cgi
#Open a browser, and enter <code>http://hostname/~your-user-id/diskfree.cgi</code> . The disk usage of your computer should be displayed.