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Wiki Collaboration at Westminster?

39 bytes added, 15:21, 30 June 2011
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Furthermore, we can been conditioned to instinctively avoid on-line collaboration during our lifetime:
::*'''Jotting notes with pen and pencils ''' (WIKIs did not exist when we went to school)::*'''Fear of getting caught cheating ''' (always do your own work, never copy)::*'''Negative and sometimes hostile attitudes of WIKIs among Instructors'''. In this rapid adjustment into the "information age", sometimes the students should be training the instructors, and leave the instructor to teach timeless concepts such as critical thinking, research techniques and team-building.::*'''Corporations sometimes trying to compete and market capitalize upon the "universal benefits " of on-line collaboration'''. For example, free software proponents such as Richard Stallman see the term "cloud computing" nothing more than a marketing scheme. He has collaborated online with many groups of people that has generated a tremendous amount of free software that benefits society.