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Computer Lab Automation

1,010 bytes added, 20:01, 23 August 2011
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'''Linux system administration can be a number of task which may include:'''
:* Checking / maintaining smooth operation of the server / workstations (run benchmarks)
:As the saying goes "'''necessity is the mother parent of invention'''". When you set up a Linux computer lab, you may be required to provide (or train users) to support for that a system. One advantage of providing (volunteering) support is that '''users will ask you questions which will encourage you to automate or fix problems, instead of you having to think ahead of what tasks to automate.''' There is simply no better experience (other than working in IT for a company)...
===Acceptable Use Policy Dialog Box===
:To For any computer lab to be completedused, it is highly recommended to not only develop an "Acceptable Use Policy", but to remind users of this policy every time they login to a computer account on that system. Below is a link to a sample of this policy - a dialog box that appears whenever a user logs in: :[[Acceptable Usage Policy Script]] :'''It has some neat features:''' ::* Logs-out if CANCEL is pressed.::* Logs-out if user closes dialog box.::* Logs-out if user ignores dialog box message for over 20 seconds.:Of course, the user can always click OK to confirm and <u>disregard</u> policy, but that becomes the individual's problem, and they are now open account privilege removal....
:'''Note:''' This program can be launched upon user login by Selecting in the main menu:<br />
:'''PREFERENCES''' -> '''STARTUP APPLICATIONS''', and adding a new application to be automatically launch upon user log-in.
===Grab Student Work===
:'''NOTE:''' Needless to say, for the successful operation of this program, students MUST save their work in the designated and default setting for each file type when creating their documents...
[[Image:performance.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Murray Saul (author) uses '''Ubuntu Studio and his net-book to transform his simple keyboard controller''' into a Hammond B3, Rhodes Piano, Grand Paino, etc, etc, etc. Here is the band called '''"The Lucky Bleeders"''' performing at the '''Cameron House, Toronto, ON, Canada''']]
===Start Recording Studio Session===
 :It is my this author's opinion that having a recording studio for the Westminster computer lab (both server and FAT disk-less clients) makes this computer lab very unique and special.
:From my Internet reading Linux usually gets a "bad-rap" from users of other operating systems. One of the main "sticking points" is that there are too many applications to use and patch together to create a song (for example patching via the Jack audio server). But a shell script can be used to automate this process to make it "seemless" for the "budding" musician.