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Controlling Workstations (Italc)

161 bytes added, 14:25, 12 June 2011
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==== Useful Features of Italc====
[[Image:italc.png|thumb|175px|right| '''Using Italc to view student activity'''. ]]<table> <tr> <td>There are many features that the Italc application provides in the Computer Lab learning environment including:
=====Viewing all student Activity =====
'''As a matter of interest:''' several community college professors are curious to see this Italc feature at Westminster. Although it may not apply to the Westminster computer lab, the Italc application has an ability to take screen-shots of terminals for proof of cheating during on-line tests or exams!
<td>[[Image:italc.png|thumb|175px|right| '''Using Italc to view student activity'''. ]]</td>
<td>[[Image:italc.png|thumb|175px|right| '''Using Italc to view student activity'''. ]]</td>