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1,724 bytes added, 22:40, 2 June 2011
Firefox Build
 * [[User:Minooz/OSD600/buildFF | Build firefox ]]=='''Tasks for Firefox'''== ===Firefox Build===
For building firefox I followed the instructions on [ annasob's blog]on how to build firefox on different platforms, also looked at build instructions and prerequisites @[ Mozilla Developing Center(MDC)].
I didn't figure out why it was so slow though on both Vista and Win 7.
First, I tried to build firefox on Vista:
: Intel(R) Processor D CPU 2.17 GHz : - 2GB DDR2 memory : - Windows Vista 32bit: - Visual Studio 2010  
and this was my .mozconfig:
:<code>. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig</code>
:<code>mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j2"</code>
:<code>mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser</code>
:<code>ac_add_options --enable-application=browser</code>
:<code>ac_add_options --disable-optimize</code>
:<code>ac_add_options --enable-debug </code>
Then I started to build it on Windows 7:
: Intel(R) Processor D CPU 3.20 GHz : - 4GB DDR2 memory : - Windows 7 64bit: - Visual Studio 2008  
I tried to build based on the same .mozconfig file, but the first error I got was related to SDK. I needed to upgrade SDK version based on these [ recommendations] to SDK 7, and the .Net Framework to 4. Also I needed to change the SDK version in the SDK configuration tool to 7.1.
At the end, the build was successfully done after 2 hours on Win 7 and more than 4 hours on Vista!
== Firefox practice (Tabs)==
:Source Control: mercurial
:Blog: @ [ wordpress]
* '''problem1'''
: Open a new tab right beside the selected tab.
: Target file to be changed @[ mozilla-central]
* Patch
: [[User:Minooz/OSD600/FF/patchNewTab | patchMoz_newTab]]
* '''problem2'''
: Instead of using alt+tab+num to switch between open tabs, use ctr+tab+num.
: Target file to be changed @[ mozilla-central]
* Patch
: [[User:Minooz/OSD600/FF/patchCtrlTab | patchMoz CtrlTab]]
===Firefox Bug(WhiteSpaces)==:Source Control: mercurial:BugTracker: bugzilla:Blog: @ [ wordpress]* '''Bugs''': Make is_space() in nsImageMap.cpp HTML5-compliant. Ticket @[ bugzilla #565031]: Target file to be changed @ [ mozilla-central]* Helpful tips: [ sample bug_test_1]- [ sample_2]- [ sample_3]* Patches for ''nsImageMap.cpp'': [[User:Minooz/OSD600/FF/patch565031#Apr6 | patchMoz_Apr6]]: Still working...[[User:Minooz/OSD600/FF/patch565031#Apr16 | patchMoz_Apr16]]* Test Page: [[User:Minooz/OSD600/FF/test565031 | test_bug560531.html]]------------------------------------------------