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Teams Winter 2011/team1/Android/Add Options Menu

444 bytes added, 13:13, 25 March 2011
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=== 4. Add Options Menu ===
4.1. Add Android <code>xml</code> file to the project: ''Right Click Project -> New -> Other... -> Android XML File''<br/>
[[Image: A_menu.png | 400px500px]]<br/>
4.2. Specify the file name <code>menu.xml</code> and select "Menu" as type of resource and click ''Finish''<br/>
[[Image: A_menu1.png| 500px ]]<br/>4.3. Go to the menu folder and double click the <code>menu.xml</code> file. Android Menu screen appears. Click ''Add...'':<br/>[[Image: A_menu2.png| 400px ]]<br/>4.34. Select ''Item'' and click OK. On the Android Menu screen specify the menu option Title and save the application:<br/>[[Image: A_menu3.png | 500px]]<br/>4.5. Run the application and press the menu button. You should see newly added menu item:<br/>[[Image: A_menu4.png | 500px]]