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Gnome Documentation Hackathon - Lunchtime Talk

584 bytes added, 13:00, 14 March 2011
Created page with 'On March 17-22, 2011, Seneca's Centre for Development of Open Technology (CDOT) will be hosting a [ Gnome documentation ha…'
On March 17-22, 2011, Seneca's Centre for Development of Open Technology (CDOT) will be hosting a [ Gnome documentation hackfest].

As part of this event, we'll be hosting a lunchtime talk:

|Date:||'''Friday, March 18, 2011'''
|Time:||'''12 noon - 1 pm'''
|Location:||'''TEL 1009'''
|Topic:||'''Introduction to the Gnome project and Gnome 3.0, including a Q&A session and an opportunity to meet some of the Gnome team members.'''
|Open to:||'''Anyone interested!''' BYOBL (Bring your own bag lunch).