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723 bytes removed, 00:27, 27 February 2011
Release 0.1
* Bugs
: Add url to the name of tagged person in <TT>tagthispersonparseBoolean</TT> pluginfunction. Ticket @[ parseboolean lighthouse]:: Currently, tagthisperson plugin, adds the name of the person who is tagged in the video along with his/her image. This ticket is for adding url A missing feature to this pluginfrom Processing (Java. SoConvert a char, if the person has url, show the name as a link.:: Sointeger, I tried to append the <TT><a href></a></TT> syntax to the value of the <TT>options._p[ 'options.person' ]</TT>. But the problem was that it was appending the linked name to the existing value and I couldn't just replace the name of the person with the linked name. I checked with David Humphrey and he suggested to create an object instead of an array for the <TT>people</TT> variable.:: I created the object with properties: <TT>person, imagestring, href</TT>. Now I have to work on how to keep an array of these objects, to be retrieved at start time and end timeinto a boolean.
* Documentation