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460 bytes added, 00:05, 21 April 2011
0.3 Release
==GoogleMaps Documentation==
===Name=0.1 Release==googlemap[ Google Maps Streetview]<br />[ Missing String Function codePointAt()]<br />
==0.2 Release=Examples=[ Blog Reader Plugin]<br />[ Pause Video when link is clicked]<br />The above was originally mine, but the a new ticket was created, which edsfault picked up. I then took on another ticket:<br />[ Enable timeline synchronized events]<br />==0.3 Release==[ Video Twitter Mashup demo]<br />[ Fetch youtube player subtitles]<br />
googlemap({==Bugs Filed & other contributions== start[https: 0, // Pause video when link is clicked should be a feature]<br /> end[https: 20, // Attempted to help someone with a problem]<br /> type[https: "ROADMAP",// Plugins failing when end is not specified]<br /> target[https: "map", lat: 43//webmademovies.lighthouseapp.665429,com/projects/63272/tickets/429-allow-content-to-remain-after-ended Allow content to remain after ended]<br /> lng[https: //processing-79js.403323, zoom: "10" } ); Established first bug was invalid]<br />
googlemap({==Other Stuff==[[Popcorn.js Googlemap Documentation]]<br /> start[http: 0, // Firefox tab and alt key modification]<br /> end[http: 20, // Firefox Bug unit tests]<br /> type[http: "STREETVIEW", target: "map1", lat: 43//dseifried.wordpress.665429, lng: com/2011/01/21/building-79.403323, zoom: "1", heading: "0", pitch: "1" } );googlemap({ start: 0, firefox/Building Firefox]<br / seconds> end[http: 30, // seconds type: "ROADMAP", target: "map2", location:"boston", zoom: 15 } ); ===Description===Adds a map to the target div centered on the location specified by the userdseifried. Options parameter will need a start, end, target, and either a lat and lng or a locationwordpress. Additional optional parameters are zoom, type, com/2011/04/07/firefox-remote-building-use-xming-and for Streetview heading -putty/ Remote Firefox Building with Xming and pitch.Putty]<br />===SyntaxMy Blog===googlemap({ start[http: end: type: target: lat: lng: } ); OR googlemap({ start: end: type: target: location: } ); ===Parameters=== Start: is the time that you want this plug-in to execute (Int)'''End:''' is the time that you want this plug-in to stop executing (Int)'''Target:''' is the id of the DOM element that you want the map to appear in//www. This element must be in the DOM (String)'''Lat and Lang:''' the coordinates of the map must be present if location is not specifieddseifried. (Int)'''Location:''' the address you want the map to display, bust be present if lat and log are not specifiedwordpress.'''Type:''' [optional] either: HYBRID (default), ROADMAP, SATELLITE, TERRAIN, STREETVIEW (String)'''Zoom:''' [optionalcom Blog] defaults to 0 (Int)'''Heading:''' [optional] STREETVIEW orientation of camera in degrees relative to true north (0 north, 90 true east, ect)'''Pitch:''' [optional] STREETVIEW vertical orientation of the camera (between 1 and 3 is recommended) ===ReturnsTwitter Account===None[ Twitter]