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Performing Live with Jack,Qsynth, and Bristol Organ

7,769 bytes added, 19:56, 20 November 2011
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I will discuss in this WIKI how to use Linux Ubuntu Studio for live performances. Contrary to other Internet postings, you don't have to use an application such as '''Reaper''' ''(although that approach would make it more user-friendly for non-Linux users or "Newbies")''. Instead, a well-written Bash shell script can be used to launch Jack and necessary keyboard applications such as '''Qsynth''' '''(Piano, and other sound-font voices)''', as well as '''Bristol Organ Emulator''' '''(Hammond B3, Vox, Rhodes Piano, Phophet5, Juno, Moog, etc)'''.
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Therefore, you can switch to different voices by switching to different transmitting <u>MIDI channels</u>,which may be more convenient than pointing and clicking on an instrument icon via the '''Reaper ''' or '''Cubase ''' applications (which are not free applications). Also, applications such as '''Bristol Organ allows a user to sync midi controller buttons or sliders (on the keyboard) to change control settings on the emulated organ''' by middle-clicking the mouse on the emulated keyboard's control knob and moving or activating the midi controller on the keyboard.Also, why pay for applications like Reaper or Cubase when you can accomplish the same task for free?!?
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I have used MS Windows OS with '''Native Instruments Hammond B4, and other Native Instruments applications''', so I have some experience when comparing open-source software against proprietary software (i.e. pros vs cons).<br /><br />
Here is a step-by-step guide to installing and configuring my netbook computer to run Ubuntu Studio:
=== Hardware / Software Setup Information ===
[[Image:netbook.jpg|thumb|right|550px|My Current Keyboard Setup Using <b>My Aspireone h715 Netbook Computer</b><br />(Ubuntu Netbook Remix with Ubuntu Studio Installed)]]
I'm "pulling-out all the stops". I have decided to test the power of the '''Acer Aspireone netbook for live performances'''.
:* '''Swamy''' Sound Font Editor
FYI, the '''Maudio Fasttrack Pro''' is a greatd usb interface and "works out of the box" (after a couple of Jack server settings)... There is also a cheaper version for approx $87 CDN, but lacks MIDI connection (which may not be a problem since newer MIDI musical keyboards are USB anyways...)
Since I want to keep things simple, I have decided <u>'''not to use any USB peripherals'''</u> (other than the USB midi musical keyboard) for my band practices and live performances by connecting the netbook audio output directly to the amplifier. This allows me one less thing to carry around, and I can leave my Tascam US122 USB device at home in my basement studio. This "direct plugin method" can be achieved with an inexpensive '''1/8 " stereo (male) to RCA "Y-adapter (female)"''' and an '''RCA (male) to 1/4 " (male) mono Jack cable''' (again, this is relatively inexpensive)! '''Here are links for reference:'''* '''1/8 " stereo (male) to RCA "Y-adapter (female) - plugs into netbook headphone output:''' [ [ y-adaptor] ]* '''RCA (male) to 1/4 " (male) mono Jack cable - connects to Y-adapter and amplifier input:''' [ [ RCA to 1/4 inch Jack Cable] ]  ... And by the way... as long as you keep net-book volume to acceptable output level, you shouldn't damage the amplifier. I posed this connection question to a veteran "sound-guy" that has setup audio equipment for '''Moe Koffman''' and '''The Good Brothers''' back in his "younger days". He states, '''''"this shouldn't be a problem what-so-ever, just keep volume down in net-book end and adjust volume via the amplifier"'''''... === Setup Setting up / Installing / Configuration Configuring Network, Ubuntu Studio, and Jack System ===
I obtained the Ubuntu Netbook version for Ubuntu: [ [] ]<br />I didn't worry about Ubuntu Studio or loading updates - I would recommend to follow "MY SEQUENCE" (listed below):
:* Ran '''Synaptic Package Manager''' (from Admin), and installed '''Ubuntu Studio Desktop''' (I selected ALL packages associated with Ubuntu Studio).
:* Followed '''instructions to make my Tascam US122 device work''' with my netbook: [ [] ]<br /><br />
* I "Tweaked" the appearance of my Gnome Desktop like running the '''Avant Window Navigator (docking panel appearance like Mac OSX)''', and '''removed the "old-style" gnome-panels'''. Here is a resource that I created to help: [ [[Replacing Panels with Docking Station (awn)]] ][[Image:awn-pic.png|thumb|right|550px|<b>Avant Window Navigator</b> gives a Mac OSX '''docking station''' appearance<br />(A welcome change from traditional panels). ] ]<br /><br />*'''NOTE:''' I had trouble when displaying my net-book on the data display in class. '''Every time I pressed a key, the screen would go blue and return display to my net-book.''' I thought it was attributed to Ubuntu, but all I needed to do was update (flash) my '''BIOS from v3010 to v3012'''. Refer to the section below labelled:<br />'''"Steps to Enhance CPU performance (Acer AspireOne a751h)"''' for a full set of procedures to solve this problem. It seems to have also solved the '''hibernation problem''', <u>and</u> also the problem of '''not displaying Python applets on my Avant Window Navigator docking tray...!''' <br /><br />* Now that you have Ubuntu Studio on your machine...<br /><br /> Here , here are some guides that I have written to help you get started<br /> (even provides some basic recording session information):    This is assuming that you are using the ''Tascam US122 usb interface'', although that is NOT necessary if you have a ''USB keyboard''):
:* [ [[Quick & Simple - Setting up Jack Server and Q-synth]] ]
:* [ [[Quick & Simple - Recording With Audacity]] ]
The organ emulator called '''Bristol Organ''' can simply be run via the '''startBristol''' command ''(after the Jack audio server has been started)''. To simplify the process of starting jack audio server, launching and making input/output connections for both '''Qsynth''' and several '''Bristol Organ''' emulations, it is easier to place commands into a '''Bash shell script''' and run shell script as a program! ''Please see next section for an example of how I did this...''
FYI, the '''Maudio Fasttrack Pro''' is a good usb interface and "works out of the box" (after a couple of Jack server settings)... There is also a cheaper version for approx $87 CDN, but lacks MIDI connection (which may not be a problem since newer MIDI musical keyboards are USB anyways...)
Since I want to keep things simple, I have decided to not use any USB peripheral (other than the USB midi musical keyboard), and connect the netbook audio output directly to the amplifier. '''This can be done === "Putting it All Together" with the use of a 1/8 " stereo to 1/4 " mono "Y-adapter"''' which can be purchased from "The Source" or from certain "Dollar Stores".Bash Shell Script ===
One *perceived* problem that a typical "end-user" would face is having to '''manually connect''' (patch) various Devices (like a keyboard), with various keyboard emulators (like '''Qsynth'''and 'Here ''Bristol''' organ). But it is important to realise that these "graphical applications" are just convenient "front-ends" or user-friendly graphical representations of Linux commands. Since they are Linux commands, these command, to launch and make patches (connections), and simply be added to a file (called a ''shell script''), and run like program (either as an desktop icon), or a start-up program from boot-up. '''For reference, here is a link to the Y-adapter for referencemy Bash Shell script:''' [ [ y-adaptortxt txt] ]  For additional reference, '''here is a link that explains how above shell script works:''' [ coming soon ]
(You can also buy a short 1/8 inch stereo extension cable if you feel uncomfortable plugging the Y-adapter directly into your net-book audio jack).
=== YouTube Tutorials ===
=== Using Ubuntu Studio for Live Performances === I will be making some assumptions here: first, I am using my '''M-AUDIO Keystation 61es Midi Controller keyboard''', and second, I am going to plug in directly from Net-book's headphone jack into the amplifier. ==== First, the Initial Setup ==== # '''Boot Net-book into Ubuntu Studio, and turn down the system volume''' to a lower level.# '''Plug M-Audio keyboard''' (via USB connector) into Net-book.# '''Plug Y-Adaptor into net-book's head-phone port''', '''and connect up RCA portion of cable to Y-Adaptor, and 1/4 inch end of cable to the input connector of amplifier''' (see to bottom of "Hardware/Software Information" for reference).# Refer to '''"Putting it All Together" with a Bash Shell Script "''' to learn how to automatically launch for performance session with the keyboard applications such as Qsynth and Bristol Organ. '''When you have created that Bash Shell script, launch your performance session, and wait until all of the applications are running, and that all of the connections have been made.''' ====A Few Words of Warning About MIDI Channels &amp; Bristol Organ ==== I have always wondered how Bristol Organ managed multiple keyboards. For example, the Bristol (Hammond) B3 organ has two sets of keyboards (upper and lower), and I was curious how to access the lower keyboard. The answer is easier that you think! '''When you issue the command to run the Bristol B3 organ with a midi channel, then the next higher midi channel will be reserved for the lower keyboard''' - totally awesome!... ... But '''if you didn't know that, and launched the Qsynth application using that extra midi channel, then don't be surprised if your Bristol B3 organ abruptly aborts... no wonder!''' Therefore, you have to do a little planning head, and reserve extra midi channels for any Bristol Organs that have multiple keyboards prior to assigning various midi channels...[[Image:midi1.png|thumb|right|220px|<b>Qsynth MIDI Channel Dialog Box</b>. Notice a maximum of 16 midi channels, but also the ability to store into separate presets for later use. '''Notice the both MIDI channels 3 and 4 reserved for by Bristol B3 organ''' (both keyboard registers), '''Midi channel 10 is usually reserved for percussion'''...]]==== Tweaking Qsynth to Play Different MIDI Channels / Sound-fonts ====  Before proceeding with this section, please familiarise yourself with how to use Qsynth and sound-fonts by reading another one of my WIKIs:<br />[ [[Quick & Simple - Setting up Jack Server and Q-synth]] ]. I will assume that you have a basic knowledge of using Qysynth, obtaining sound-fonts, and adding sound-fonts in Qsynth for the remainder of this section. I have see some misinformation regarding the use of sound-fonts with Qsynth. You can add in a lot of sound-fonts with Qsynth, and then assign them (either using a particular sound, or incorporating "sound banks") to midi channels. I am currently have assigned instruments to 10 midi channels (2 have been reserved for my B3 Organ. In addition, you can save these midi assigns as different "preset names" to be saved and loaded as needed during performance or practice.
One *perceived* problem that a typical "end-user" would face is having In order to assign MIDI channels in Qsynth, when you click the '''manually connectChannels''' (patch) various Devices (like a keyboard)button, with various keyboard emulators (like you will see the '''QsynthChannels dialog box''' and '''Bristol''' organ appear. Notice that this dialog box allows for a total of 16 midi channels (this is more than I require for a typical practice or performance). But it is important If you require more, you can save different midi instrument assignments to various profiles (perhaps to realise that these "graphical applications" are just convenient "front-ends" or user-friendly graphical representations of Linux commandsbe loaded between your sets).
Since they are Linux commandsSteps to Assignment Instruments:[[Image:midi2.png|thumb|right|300px|'''Assigning Instrument''' (program) to a '''Bank''' (i.e. "''SFID"'' or ''"Offset"'').]]# '''When adding sound-fonts into Qsynth, write-down the SFID number''' (i.e. Sound-font Identification number) - Do NOT close this dialog box quite yet!# Now, these commandhere's the trick: For each sound font, '''make certain that the "Offset" number corresponds to launch the same number as the SFID!'''# Now, '''click OK to save and make patches (connections)exit''' the sound-font dialog box.# If you are running Jack, and simply be added then you need to a file (called a '''restart the Jack engine'''. This will require that you manually connect the instruments in the "Jack Connections" dialog box. If this is "a pain", you could always quit all applications, and re-run your Bash shell scriptto launch your music session...# Go to the '')'Channels dialog box, and run like double-click on a midi channel'''.<br />I am selecting the next available '''channel - 13'''.# The '''Channel 13 Midi Channel Dialog box''' appears.# '''Select the Bank number''' (which corresponds to the Offset or SFID that you have written-down).# Then '''click on the program number to select an instrument''' (either as an desktop icon)depending on the sound-font, there may be only one to select, or a startwide variety if the sound-up program from bootfont is a bank of sounds).# '''!! NOTE: in order for the changes to take effect, you need to click the Save button; otherwise, all your changes will be lost!'''# You may need to restart the Jack engine and re-upestablish your connections.
'''For reference, here is a link to my Bash Shell script:That's it! Start performing!!''' [ [ txt] ]
For additional reference, '''here is My M-AUDIO keyboard allows me to easily change between midi channels by pressing the Advanced Functions button, and then pressing a link note on the keyboard that explains how above shell script works:corresponds to the midi channel''' [ coming soon ]. Easy-Breezy, and efficient! :)
=== Using Ubuntu Studio Here is a link to documentation of my M-AUDIO midi keyboard for Live Performances ===reference:
To be completed[ [] ]
= Sound Font Editing in Linux =
'''Note:''' The ''Swamy sound-font editor'' allows me to build or modify sound fonts. s I must admit that I'm not an expert on sound-fonts.
In the future, I will discuss how to use a sound-font editor to create your own sound-fonts (instruments) to play with the keyboard.
My net-book system works well (to my surprise). I will be taking my hardware set-up to band practice next week to make certain it works for the entire practice. I will keep taking it to practices and monitor my netbook's performance until I am confident to use for live "gigs". So far, so good...
I have taken my system to band practice, and didn't have to use my Tascam US122 USB device - this is a re<u>sound</u>ing success! I will now be using my Linux system for live performances for now, and into the future! I'm a happy camper :)
=== Tips, Pros &amp; Cons ===
==== Jack &amp; High CPU Usage (and Potential Recommended Solution) ====
I am content to use the Bristol Hammond B3 keyboard emulator, and Q-synth (with sound-fonts) for piano, electric piano and other types of instruments. I will only notice some distortion if I simultaneously strike many keys on the keyboard (which I seldom do)...
<li>Launch your Jack audio system and keyboards, and you should notice a noticeable improvement in the performance and CPU usage.</li>
I also noticed '''when I updated my net-book's BIOS to version 3012, that it solved other performance issues''' like switching back to net-book screen instead of data-projector screen whenever I pressed a key...
==== High CPU Usage When Using Rakarrack ====
The Rakarrack Application is an Effects processor. For example, you can get a grittier B3 sound by running the output through an "overdrive" filter or program. Unfortunately, this application seems to tie up a lot of the CPU. I Will later investigate if there is some type of option to help reduce the load on the CPU when using this application...
Here is a link to the Rakarrack web-page: []
=== What I Love About Open-Source Applications ===