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SBR600 Potential Projects

1,828 bytes added, 12:42, 12 January 2011
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* Expected result: a useful (easy-to-use, informative) and automatically-updated Fedora-ARM status page; improved user documentation on the Fedora wiki (e.g., how to set up Fedora-ARM on common devices); better communication on the mailing list and the #fedora-arm IRC channel
* Initial contacts: [[User:Chris Tyler|ctyler]], [[User:Paul.W|PaulW]]
== Fedora-ARM Package Building and Troubleshooting ==
The [[Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture|Fedora-ARM]] project is building Fedora 13/14/15 for the ARM architecture. As this proceeds, various problems arise. For example:
* Some packages fail to build for ARM. They can be fixed up to build successfully on ARM, or if that's not possible, marked as unsuitable for ARM (ExlcudeArch).
* If a group of packages is built to work with a specific version of a library, and a newer version of that library replaces the older version, then the packages that rely on that library can break. This can often be remedied simply by rebuilding the broken package; in other cases, patches are required.
Note that one package build issue will often block many other packages.
This project involves working with other members of the Fedora ARM build team to resolve package build problems and get F13/F14/F15 released for ARM as soon as possible.
* Maximum number of students: 12
* Skills required: packaging, troubleshooting
* Expected result: problems with the Fedora-ARM builds are cleared as quickly as possible; F14-ARM released by the end of the semester
* Resources: Fedora-ARM Koji build system, mailing list
* Initial contacts: [[User:Paul.W|PaulW]], [[User:Chris Tyler|ctyler]]
= Fedora Projects =
* Expected result: the Weave server will be available in the main Fedora repositories (yum install weave)
* Initial contacts: mhoye
== Package Hadoop ==
[ Apache Hadoop] is a set of tools used for large-scale distributed computing. It would be great to get this packaged for Fedora.
* Maximum number of students: 3
* Skills required: packaging, system administration
* Resources: CDOT systems
* Expected result: the three Apache Hadoop subprojects (Hadoop Common, HDFS, and MapReduce) will be available in the main Fedora repositories (yum install hadoop-common hdfs mapreduce)
* Initial contacts: [[User:Chris Tyler|ctyler]]
== Package the WIX Toolchain ==