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Westminster Lab (Multimedia & Composition)

699 bytes added, 17:15, 7 January 2011
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Note: This Course Outline Not Completed (Work in Process)is being developed, and may be subject to change
== Mind Map General Information == ==== Course Name ==== Westminster Computer Lab: Multimedia and Composition ==== Course Description ====
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />== General Information == Course Duration ====
=== Training Course Name ==='''Six 2-hour sessions''' (one day a week - excluding holiday weekends). Additional term work can be performed by student on-line from their home computer.
=== Training Course Description = Prerequisite(s) ====
=== Prerequisite ===Westminster Lab (Introduction / Basics), Westminster Lab (Collaboration Essentials)
=== Duration = Required Materials ====
=== Required Materials ===None
== Detailed Information ==
=== Learning Resources = Course Delivery Style ====
=== Instruction Style ===12 hours of in-class instruction at the Westminster Computer Lab. Additional tasks and coordination will be performed online via a student's individual WIKI.<br />Students will join their WIKIs to form "Planets" to help foster collaboration and information sharing.
==== Learning Outcomes ====
Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to: * x === = Learning Resources / Notes ==== [ [[Westminster-Collaboration WIKI]] ] ==== Mind Map of Topic Schedule (Refer to Learning Resources for Detail) ====<br />[[Image:Multimedia.png||left|1050px]]