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CSS Checker JetPack Extension

351 bytes added, 11:34, 16 December 2010
Project Details
* [[User:David.humphrey|Dave Humphrey]]
== Project Details ==* main.js - executed upon launch; connects UI, pagemods and utility functions together.# Populates UI# Attaches Pagemod to loading web pages# Downloads external files
Release 0* funcs.1js - a library with utility functions.# <code>parseCSS(css)</code> - parses CSS:* Arguments: CSS Style Sheet in String formatThe extension is based on JetPack SDK :* Returns: Array of Objects with selector, property and packaged as standard FF extension value properties# <code>cssToXPath(rule)</code> - converts CSS Selector to XPath:* Arguments: CSS Selector in a xpi archive.String format:* Returns: CSS Selector in XPath format
The way it works:On tab load, it will parse page style sheets all the way down to X CSS properties* ui. It will then get js - a library that CSS property selector and convert it to xpathdeals with User Interface. Firefox xpath evaluator interface will then build a list # <code>populateUI()</code> - populates widget:* Arguments: None:* Returns: None# <code>getStatus()</code> - returns status of matching DOM elements.whether or not to modify web pages:* Arguments: NoneThe problem right now is to get webkit properties from style sheet:* Returns: String, possible values: "Enabled", since those are ignored by Firefox nsCSSScanner"Disabled".
== Project News ==