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PostgreSQL Adapter-nexj/schema-test

8 bytes removed, 20:02, 14 December 2010
* <u><code> CREATE TABLE </code></u>
:: 1- DATA TYPE: data types are changed in '''''<code> appendColumnType() </code>''''' based on each jdbc type's equivalent in PostgreSQL. :::*[ mapping JDBC data types to PostgreSQL data types]:::*[ comparison between Postgre and MySQL data types] :: 2- STORAGE ENGINE: In MySQL, the storage engine is set to a transactional safe engine such as [ InnoDB], whereas PostgreSQL has a single built in engine. So, implementation of '''''<code> appendTableSuffix() </code>''''' in was removed:: 3- CHARACTER SET: In MySQL, the character set should be defined when creating a table. Whereas in PostgreSQL when a database is created, the character set is set to 'UTF8' by default. :: 4- AUTO INCREMENT: PostgreSQL doesn't support 'auto_increment' as some other databases for a unique identifier column. There are two ways around this, 1- To create a 'sequence', 2- Use SERIAL, which is a macro around 'sequence'. SERIAL is an 'integer' and a 'sequence, with the column default to the sequences next value. As of postgreSQL 7.3, to make a serial column unique, it should be specified as a unique constraint or a primary key. More info @ [[PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/Resources#Mapping_Data_Types.2C_Metadata | PostgreSQL Resources]]::
<source lang=java>
/* MySQL version of creating table script */
)engine=InnoDB character set = utf8
<source lang=java>
/* PostgreSQL version of creating table script */