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PostgreSQL Adapter Project - Resources

37 bytes added, 16:26, 24 November 2010
PostgreSQL Specifications
:: Hierarchy for package [ org.postgresql.xa]
:: Postgresql Limited XA Support[]
::PogreSQL HeuristicMixed Exception
: 2-Simple JDBC driver for Postgre
::JDBC Driver 4 for PostgreSQL 9.This is the current version of the driver. Unless you have unusual requirements (running old applications or JVMs), this is the driver you should be using. It supports Postgresql 7.2 or newer and requires a 1.4 or newer JVM. It contains support for SSL and the javax.sql package. It comes in two flavors, JDBC3 and JDBC4. If you are using the 1.6 JVM, then you should use the JDBC4 version.