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Nexjexpress/PostgreSQL Adapter/Adapter

6 bytes added, 17:09, 16 November 2010
| public abstract || void appendMatchStatement(StringBuffer buf, String sAlias, Column column, SQLJoin join, Pair expression) || testMatch() || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendTypeConversion(StringBuffer buf, Object op,Primitive fromType, Primitive type, SQLGenerator gen) || --- testRead() || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendPrefixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query) || no implementation in MySQLAdapter || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendSuffixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query)|| at the setup time? || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendIndexHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query)|| testMatch(), || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendTableHint(StringBuffer buf, SQLJoin join, Query query)|| no implementation in MySQLAdapter (Look at the Note in the method body) || not started || ---