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Nexjexpress/PostgreSQL Adapter/Adapter

9 bytes removed, 16:58, 16 November 2010
|+'''Abstract methods to work on'''
! Method Type Modifier !! Method Name !! Tests Cases !! Status !! ToDo
| public abstract || boolean appendIdentityColumn(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work)|| testNew(), testRanges() || not started || ---
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
|+ '''Protected methods to work on'''
! Method Type Modifier !! Method Name !! Tests Cases !! Status !! ToDo
| protected || boolean isLikeReservedChar(char ch)|| --- || not started || ---
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
|+ '''Public methods to work on'''
! Method Type Modifier !! Method Name !! Tests Cases!! after parsing !! before parsing !! Status !! ToDo
| public || void appendLikeEscape(StringBuffer buf)|| testRead(), testUnicodeCharset() ||where A.first_name like ? escape '\\' /* 1 */ || parse("(and (like? firstName \"J*\") || testRead() || not started || ---