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Console Framework Classes 20103 - OOP344

18,789 bytes added, 14:09, 17 April 2013
Reverted edits by MCanaday49 (Talk) to last revision by Ldchen1
FWBorder is the base of all IO entities in our framework. It encapsulate a window or a container in witch IO Fields are to be placed and run.
Also, It encapsulates a border, cordinates and size.
===Class Definition===
FWBorder(int Row=-1, int Col=-1, int Width=-1,int Height=-1,
bool Visible = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS,
FWBorder* Container = (FWBorder*)0);
virtual void draw(int refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH)const;
virtual ~FWBorder();
void visible(bool val);
bool visible()const;
int col()const;
void size(int heightwidth, int widthheight);
int height()const;
int width()const;
: _border[1], top side
: _border[2], right top
: _border[3], right side : _border[4], right bottom
: _border[5], bottom side
: _border[6], bottom left
: _border[7], left side
bool _visible; Indicates if the border surrounding the entity is to be drawn or not. <br />
*:it returns the sum of '''col()''' of this border plus all the '''col()'''s of the '''_containter'''s
The following are the pseudo code to get absRow( ) and as well as absCol( ):<pre> r = _row Cnt = container while(Cnt is not null)begin add Cnt.row to r set Cnt to Cnt.container end return r</pre> These two methods return the absolute coordinates of the FWBorder instance. (the row an column with respect to left top corner of the screen). These tow two functions are used to '''draw''' the border on the screen.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWBorder(int Row=0, int Col=0, int Width=0,int Height=0,
bool Visible = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS,
FWBorder* Container = (FWBorder*)0);
Sets the corresponding attributes to the incoming values in the argument list.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void visible(bool val);
bool visible()const;
int col()const;
void size(int heightwidth, int widthheight);
int height()const;
int width()const;
These Methods, set and get the corresponding attributes of the class
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool fullscreen()const;
Returns true if _container is null or else, it returns false;
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
virtual ~FWBorder();
An empty virtual destructor.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
virtual void draw(int refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH)const;
If _container is null then it just clears the screen and exits. <br />
void* _data;
FWField(int Row = 0, int Col = 0,
int Width = 0, int Height =0,
void* Data = (void*) 0,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
virtual bool editable() const = 0;
virtual void set(const void* data) = 0;
virtual void* data();
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void* _data;
</presyntaxhighlight></big>Will hold the address of any type of data a FWField can hold.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> FWField(int Row = 0, int Col = 0,
int Width = 0, int Height =0,
void* Data = (void*) 0,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
Passes the corresponding attributes to it's parents constructor and then sets the _data attribute to the incoming Data argument.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
An empty destructor
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
virtual int edit() = 0;
Enforces the children to implement an edit() method
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
virtual bool editable() const = 0;
Enforces the children to implement an editable() method that returns true if the class is to edit data and false if the class is to only display data.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
virtual void set(const void* data) = 0;
Enforces the children to implement a set() method to set the _data attribute to the data the class is to work with.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
virtual void* data();
Returns _data;
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void container(FWDialog* theOwner);
Sets the _container attribute of FWBorder to '''theowner''' argument.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWDialog* container();
Casts the return value of FWBorder::containrcontainer() to a FWDialog* and returns it.
int _length;
FWLabel(const char *Str, int Row, int Col,
int Len = -1);
FWLabel(int Row, int Col, int Len);
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int _length;
Holds the Length of the display area needed by iol_display.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> FWLabel(const char *Str, int Row, int Col,
int Len = -1);
*Passes corresponding arguments to its parent constructor
*Sets _length to the '''Len''' attribute.
*Allocates enough memory for the size of data (that is '''_lentgth''' or the length of the '''Str''' if '''_length''' is zero or negative) and sets '''_data''' to point to it.
*Then it will copy the content of what '''Str''' is pointing.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWLabel(int Row, int Col, int Len);
*Passes corresponding arguments to its parent constructor
*Sets _length to the '''Len''' attribute.
*Allocates Len + 1 bytes and sets it to be an empty string and then sets '''_data''' to point to it.
This constructor is used when FWLabel is used for messaging and does not need initial value.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Deallocates the memory pointed by _data;
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void draw(int Refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH) const;
Ignores the Refresh argument and make a direct call to '''iol_display''' to display the _data at '''absRow()''' and '''absCol()''' upto '''_length''' characters.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit();
Since no editing is happening here, it just calls draw();
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool editable()const;
Returns False.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void set(const void* str);
copies the string pointed by '''str''' upto '''_length''' characters to '''_data'''.
FWDialog(FWBorder *Container = (FWBorder*)0,
int Row = -1, int Col = -1, int Width = -1, int Height = -1,
bool Borderd = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int _fnum;
Holds the number of FWFields added to FWDialog.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int _curidx;
Holds the index of the FWFields that is being edited now.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWField* _fld[FW_MAX_NO_FIELDS];
An array of FWFields pointers. Initially all the elements of _fld is set to null. When a FWField is added to the form, it will be pointed by one of the elements of this array.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool _dyn[FW_MAX_NO_FIELDS];
An array of boolean values exactly to the number of elements of _fld. When FWField number "n" is added to FWDialog and is pointed by _fld[n-1], the corresponding _dyn[n-1] indicate if the FWField held in _fld[n-1] is dynamically allocated or not. the _dyn flags will be used in the destructor as deallocation condition for each _fld element.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool _editable;
Is set to true, if at least one of the FWFields in _fld is editable.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWDialog(FWBorder *Container = (FWBorder*)0,
int Row = -1, int Col = -1, int Width = -1, int Height = -1,
bool Borderd = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
Passes all the arguments to its parent constructor and then sets the FWDialog to an empty dialog.<br />
(Sets all the Field pointers to null, flags to false and numbers to zero)
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
virtual ~FWDialog();
Loops through all the field pointers and checks to see if any of them are dynamically allocated and deletes them.
(it only deletes those fields that are flagged as dynamic)
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void draw(int fn = FW_NO_REFRESH)const;
</presyntaxhighlight></big>If '''fn''' is '''FW_REFRESH''' of or '''FW_FULL_FRAME''', it will call its parent draw with '''fn''' as its argument. Then It will draw all the '''Fields''' in the '''Dialog'''. <br />
If '''fn''' is '''FW_NO_REFRESH''', then it will just draw all the '''Fields''' in the '''Dialog'''.<br />
If '''fn''' is a non-zero positive value, then it will only draw '''Field''' number '''fn''' in the dialog. (First added '''Field''' is field number one.)
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit(int fn = FW_NO_REFRESH);
If '''FWDialog''' is not editable (all fields are non-editable), it will just display the Dialog and then waits for the user to enter a key and then terminates the function returning the key.<br />
# For any other key, terminate the edit function returning the character which caused the termination.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int add(FWField* field, bool dynamic = true);
Adds the '''FWField''' pointed by '''field''' to the Fields of the Dialog; by appending the value of the field pointer to the _fld array , setting the corresponding _dyn element to the value of dynamic argument and then increasing _fnum by one and returning it.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int add(FWField& field, bool dynamic = false);
Makes a direct call to the previous add() method, passing the address of the '''field''' argument and the value of the '''dynamic''' argument and returning what it returns.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWDialog& operator<<(FWField* field);
Makes a direct call the first '''add()''' method returning a reference of the owner (the FWDialog);
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWDialog& operator<<(FWField& field);
Makes a direct call the second '''add()''' method returning a reference of the owner (the FWDialog);
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool editable();
If at least one editable field exist in the Dialog, it returns true, otherwise, it returns false;
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int fieldNum()const;
Returns number of fields added to the Dialog.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int curIndex()const;
Returns the index of the Field that was just being edited.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWField& operator[](unsigned int index);
Returns the reference of the Field with incoming index. (Note that here, the first field index is '''0''')
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWField& curField();
Returns the reference of the Field that was just being edited.
FWLineEdit(char* Str, int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
FWLineEdit(int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWLineEdit(char* Str, int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
LineEdit, sets the Field's _data to the value of str. If LineEdit is instantiated with this constructor then it will edit an external string provided by the caller function of LineEdit. LineEdit in this case is not creating any dynamic memory, therefore _dyn is set to false (therefore the destructor will not attempt to deallocate the memory pointed by _data).<br />
The location (row and col) and Bordered are directly passed to the parent (FWField) and str is passed as data to the parent constructor. Unlike Label, LineEdit could have border or not so depending on this (Bordered being true or false) the Height is set to 3 or 1 respectfully. <br />
(hint: use '''? :''' operator to pass the proper value to FWField's constructor)
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWLineEdit(int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
Works exactly like the previous constructor with one difference; since no external data is passed to be edited here, this constructor must allocate enough dynamic memory to accommodate editing of '''Maxdatalen''' characters. Then make it an empty string and set Fields's _data to point to it. Make sure _dyn is set to true in this case, so the destructor knows that it has to deallocate the memory at the end.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
If '''_dyn''' is true, it will deallocate the character array pointed by Fields's '''_data'''
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void draw(int Refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH)const;
If the Border is visible, it will first call Border's draw passing '''Refresh'''as an argument to it.<br />
Then it will make a direct call to iol_display to show the data kept in Field's '''_data'''.<br />
*len: width() (''reduce by two is border is visible''')
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit();
Makes and direct call to, and returns '''iol_edit()'''.
For the coordinates and width arguments follow the same rules as the draw function.
For the rest of the arguments of iol_edit, use the attributes of '''FWLineEdit'''.
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool editable()const;
Always return true;
<big><presyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void set(const void* Str);
Copies the characters pointed by '''Str''' into the memory pointed by Field's '''_data''' up to '''_maxdatalen''' characters.
Button is a child of FWField.
It displays a small piece of text (usually one word or two) and accepts one key hit entry.
When in edit mode, to indicate the editing mode, it will surround the text with squared brackets.
===Class Definition===
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class FWButton: public FWField{
int _length;
FWButton(const char *Str, int Row, int Col,
bool Bordered = true,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
virtual ~FWButton();
void draw(int Refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH) const;
int edit();
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWButton(const char *Str, int Row, int Col,
bool Bordered = true,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
When creating a Button, allocate enough memory to hold the contents of the '''Str''' and set Field's _data to point to it. Then copy the content of '''Str''' into the newly allocated memory.<br />
Pass all the arguments directly to Field's constructor.<br />
For Field size (width and hight) do the following:<br />
For width: Set width to the length of '''Str''' + 2 (adding 2 for surrounding brackets) or if the Button is bordered set width to the length of '''Str''' + 4 (adding 2 for surrounding brackets and 2 for the borders).
For height: Set the height to 1 or if the Button is bordered, set the height to 3.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Deallocates the allocated memory pointed by Field's '''_data'''.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void draw(int Refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH) const;
*First calls Border's draw()
use iol_display to display the Button's text (pointed by Field's _data)
*If not bordered
*:display the text at absRow() and absCol()
*If bordered
*:display the text at absRow()+1 and absCol()+2
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit();
First draw() the Button, then surround it by squared brackets, place the cursor under the first character of Button's text and wait for user entry.<br />
When user hits a key, if the key is ENTER_KEY or SPACE, return FW_BUTTON_HIT (defined in confw.h) otherwise return the entered key.<br />
Make sure the surrounding characters are replaced with spaces before exiting the edit() method.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool editable()const;
Always returns true;
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void set(const void* str);
Reallocate memory for new text set it to content of '''str''':
:''First deallocated what is pointed by Field's '''_data'''.''<br />
:''Then allocate new memory to the size of content of '''str''' and copy the content into it and make Field's '''_data''' point to it.''
===Button Tester===
[[Project Button Text - OOP344 20103 | ButtonTest.cpp]]
==FWCHECKFWCheck==FWCheck class is a '''flagged''' Label.FWCheck prints a checkbox and a Label in front of it and waits for user entry to possibly toggle the checkbox and exit.
===Class Definition===
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void set(const void* flag);
void *data();
bool checked()const;
void checked(bool val);
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int _flag;
int _radio;
char _format[4];
*'''_flag''' holds the status of the Checkbox (0: unchecked or 1: checked).
*'''_radio''' dictates the behavior of the Checkbox as a radio-button, or a check-mark.
*'''_format''' holds the characters, the Checkbox is drawn with (i.e. "[X]", "(O)", "<*>", etc...).
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWCheck(bool Checked,const char* Format, const char* Text, int Row, int Col, bool IsRadio = false);
To create a FWCheck, pass Text, Row and Col + 4 to Parents Str, Row, Col. (added 4 to Col to make space for the checkmark at left).
Store Checked, IsRadio and Format in class attributes for future use.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void draw(int Refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH) const;
First call Label's draw passing Refresh as argument.<br />
Then display a checkbox using iol_displayflag() using '''_format''' and '''_flag''' at absRow() and absCol(). <br />
''(make sure there is a space between the checkmark and the Label text)''
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit();
Direct call and return of iol_flag, using same arguments used in draw();
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool editable()const;
Always returns true;
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void set(const void* flag);
Set the '''_flag''' to the boolean pointed by '''flag''' attribute.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void *data();
Returns address of '''_flag'''
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool checked()const;
Return true if '''_flag''' is not zero.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void checked(bool val);
Sets '''_flag''' to 1 if val is true, or zero if val is false.
===Button Tester===
ValEdit is a LineEdit that uses two remote functions (using pointer to functions) to provide help and validation service in addition to what LineEdit does.
===Class Definition===
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWValEdit(char* Str, int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool (*Validate)(const char* , FWDialog&) = NO_VALDFUNC,
void (*Help)(MessageStatus, FWDialog&) = NO_HELPFUNC,
bool Bordered = false,
FWValEdit(int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool (*Validate)(const char* , FWDialog&) = NO_VALDFUNC,
void (*Help)(MessageStatus, FWDialog&) = NO_HELPFUNC,
bool Bordered = false,
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void (*_help)(MessageStatus, FWDialog&);
bool (*_validate)(const char*, FWDialog&);
Pointers to keep the address of possible help and validation function.<br />
''Note that if these two are NULL, then ValEdit works exactly like LineEdit''
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWValEdit(char* Str, int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool (*Validate)(const char* , FWDialog&) = NO_VALDFUNC,
void (*Help)(MessageStatus, FWDialog&) = NO_HELPFUNC,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
FWValEdit(int Row, int Col, int Width,
int Maxdatalen, int* Insertmode,
bool (*Validate)(const char* , FWDialog&) = NO_VALDFUNC,
void (*Help)(MessageStatus, FWDialog&) = NO_HELPFUNC,
bool Bordered = false,
const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
They Pass the arguments to corresponding parents constructor.<br />
Then they Set '''_validate''' and '''_help''' attributes to their corresponding values in argument list.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit();
If the container() is NULL then this function works exactly like LineEdit::edit().<br />
If the container() is not NULL:
#If _help function exist it calls the function passing MessageStatus::SetMessage and container()'s reference as arguments.
#Calls LineEdit's edit()
#If validation function exists and the terminating key of LineEdit's edit() is a navigation key(see below)
#:It will call the validation function on the Field's _data, if the data is valid, it goes to next step, otherwise it will repeat calling LineEdit's edit().
#After validation is done, if _help function exists, it will recall the help function using MessageStatus::ClearMessage and contianer()'s reference as arguments.
#It will return the terminating key
''Navigation keys are Up key, Down key, Tab key or Enter key.''<br />
''MessageStatus is enumerated in confw.h'''
===Validated Line editor Tester===
[[Validated LineEdit Tester - OOP344 20103 | FWValEditTester.cpp]]
The FWText class splits a string of text into series if strings at newline characters, then starts editing them in a text area one string at a time.
Each string in this array of strings represents a line in text.
The lines can scroll left and right (already implemented in iol_edit) and up and down during the edit if needed.
at any time by calling the data() method the array of strings is converted back to a newline separated and null terminated array of characters (Converted back to text) and returned.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class FWText:public FWField{
AnArrayOfStrings _lines; // see below
bool _readOnly;
int _curpos;
int _fieldlen;
int _maxdatalen;
int* _insertmode;
int _offset;
int _lcurpos;
int _loffset;
FWText(int Row, int Col, int Width, int Height, bool Readonly,
int* Insertmode, const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
FWText(const char* Str, int Row, int Col, int Width, int Height, bool Readonly,
int* Insertmode, const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
void draw(int Refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH)const;
void set(const void *Str);
void *data();
int edit();
bool editable()const;
bool readOnly()const;
void readOnly(bool val);
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
AnArrayOfStrings _lines;
Could be one the following:
*A two dimensional array of characters: char _lines[max_number_of_lines][max_number_of_characters_in_line+1];<br />
*: In this case you text size is limited to the max_number_of_lines and can not grow more than that.
*A dynamic array of strings: [[Dynamic Array Of Strings - OOP344 | StrArr]] _lines;<br />
*: This case ([[Dynamic Array Of Strings - OOP344 | StrArr]]) is designed to simulate a two dimensional array of characters (or an array of strings) and has no limit in the number of lines and expands automatically if needed. You can use the code for ([[Dynamic Array Of Strings - OOP344 | StrArr]]) at your own risk to implement FWText, or you can design your own logic.<br />
*A Doubly Linked List (Queue) of strings [[Queue of Strings - OOP344 | StrQue]]
*: [[Queue of Strings - OOP344 | StrQue]] is a Queue of null terminated characters arrays (strings) and like StrArr has no limit in the number of lines and expands automatically if needed. Like StrArr, you can use the code for [[Queue of Strings - OOP344 | StrQue]] at your own risk to implement FWText, or you can design your own logic.<br />
If you found any bugs or problems with [[Queue of Strings - OOP344 | StrQue]] or [[Dynamic Array Of Strings - OOP344 | StrArr]], do not modify it yourself but instead, please blog about it and send an email to [[ me]] and I will take care of updating it.<br />
You can also find the code for [[Queue of Strings - OOP344 | StrQue]] and it's tester program in class notes repo: (svn://
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool _readOnly;
Keeps the status of the text being read only, or editable. (note that when read only, you can still scroll the text to left and right or up and down, but you can't modify the text).<br />
This flag is passed to iol_edit for the same reason.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int _curpos;
int _fieldlen;
int _maxdatalen;
int* _insertmode;
int _offset;
Variables to be used with iol_edit to edit the lines of text.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int _lcurpos;
Line Cursor Position; this variable keeps track of which line of text the cursor is on. _lcurpos is zero, if the cursor is on the fist line appearing in the Border.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int _loffset;
Offset Of the First Line; this variable keeps track of which line is the first appearing in the border. _loffset is zero, if the first string (line) of the string array is appearing on the fist line of the Border.<br /><br />
'''_lcurpos''' and '''_loffset''' have the same responsibility as _curpos, and _offset, but only for lines of the text. So as the left and right scrolling is done by manipulating _offset and _curpos, up and down scrolling of lines in the text are done by manipulating '''_loffset''' and '''_lcurpose'''
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWText(int Row, int Col, int Width, int Height, bool Readonly,
int* Insertmode, const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
Sets all the attributes to their proper/corresponding values<br />
:''Note that FWText is always bordered''
If dynamic array of strings is used, initial text is allocated and set to an empty text.<br />
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
FWText(const char* Str, int Row, int Col, int Width, int Height, bool Readonly,
int* Insertmode, const char* Border=FW_BORDER_CHARS);
Works exactly like the previous constructor, but also it will call the '''set''' method of FWText to split the incoming text ('''Str''') at newline characters into an array of strings.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void draw(int Refresh = FW_NO_REFRESH)const;
#Calls its parents draw, to draw the border.
#Using iol_display, it prints lines of text from index _loffset, up to height()-2 times.
#:Note that each line is printed from _offset character using absRow() and absCol(), up o width()-2 characters
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void set(const void *Str);
Converts the newline delimited array of characters (the text) into an array of strings.<br />
Set starts with the first string in the array of strings and copies the characters of the array to the current string until it reaches a newline character. <br />
Then it will null terminate the current string and go to the next string in the array of strings and repeats the same over and over until it reaches the end of the text.
:''Note that if '''FW_MAX_LINE_CHARS''' is reached before getting to the newline character, the current string is null terminated and copying continues into the next one''.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
void *data();
Converts the array of strings, back to a single string of text and returns it.<br />
'''data()''' first calculates the size of the whole text including the newline characters at the end of each line. Then it will allocated enough memory to hold it all.<br /> Finally, it will concatenate all the strings back into the allocated memory adding a newline character to the end of each of them and returns it.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit();
Draws the text area and then starts the editing from the first line.<br />
The whole text should scroll to left, right, up or down instead, if the cursor tries to pass the edges of the text area.<br />
When Enter key is hit, if in insertmode, a new line is inserted after the current line and any text after the cursor in the line should be moved into it.<br />
When Backspace key is hit at the beginning of the line, the content of the current line should be moved to the previous line, the and current line should be deleted. The cursor in this case should stand in front of the copied data. <br />
:''Note that this will not happen if the sum of the length of the current and previous lines are more than FW_MAX_LINE_CHARS''
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool editable()const;
Always return true.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bool readOnly()const;
void readOnly(bool val);
These two methods Get and Set the _readOnly attribute.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
It deallocates the allocated memory. (If any memory allocation is used).
=Compile, Build, testing=
==Compile and build==
*Here is a sample of a make file on Linux, you can also find this '''makefile''' at svn://
prj: iol.o fwborder.o fwfield.o fwlabel.o fwlineedit.o fwbutton.o fwcheck.o fwveditline.o fwdialog.o fwtext.o strarr.o testmains.o
c++ iol.o fwborder.o fwfield.o fwlabel.o fwlineedit.o fwbutton.o fwcheck.o fwveditline.o fwdialog.o fwtext.o strarr.o testmains.o \
-lncurses -oprj
iol.o: iol.c iol.h
cc -c iol.c
fwborder.o: fwborder.cpp fwborder.h confw.hiol.h
c++ -c fwborder.cpp
fwfield.o: fwfield.cpp fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwfield.cpp
fwlabel.o: fwlabel.cpp fwlabel.h fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwlabel.cpp
fwlineedit.o: fwlineedit.cpp fwlineedit.h fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwlineedit.cpp
fwbutton.o: fwbutton.cpp fwbutton.h fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwbutton.cpp
fwcheck.o: fwcheck.cpp fwcheck.h fwlabel.h fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwcheck.cpp
fwveditline.o: fwveditline.cpp fwveditline.h fwlineedit.h fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwveditline.cpp
fwtext.o: fwtext.cpp fwtext.h fwlineedit.h strarr.h fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwtext.cpp
strarr.o: strarr.cpp strarr.h
c++ -c strarr.cpp
fwdialog.o: fwdialog.cpp fwdialog.h fwfield.h fwborder.h confw.h iol.h
c++ -c fwdialog.cpp
testmains.o: testmains.cpp fwdialog.h strarr.h fwtext.h fwveditline.h fwcheck.h fwbutton.h fwlineedit.h fwlabel.h fwfield.h fwborder.h iol.h
c++ -c testmains.cpp
*All the test programs are saved at: svn://
*Test files names are '''Test*.cpp'''
*All test programs are compiled the executable is available on ''''''
*:to run the test programs, login to and login with your own user id and password, then at the command line type: '''~fardad.soleimanloo/tX''', replace the X with the number of the test. (i.e for test three, run: '''~fardad.soleimanloo/t3''')
*:Note that you should use [ Putty] to login to matrix and set the keyboard to Xterm 6
=Due Date=
*Due Nov 29, 23:59
*: Tagged prj0.6