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|+ OOP344 - E_Team- 20103 - Member list*Abstract methods to work on
! Method Type !! Method Name !! Status !! ToDo
| public abstract || String appendStringLengthPrefix(StringBuffer buf, FunctionOperator op) || not started || ---
| public abstract || String appendSubstringPrefix(StringBuffer buf, FunctionOperator op) || not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean isLiteral(Primitive type, Object value) || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendLiteral(StringBuffer buf, Primitive type, Object value)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendTypeConversion(StringBuffer buf, Object op,Primitive fromType, Primitive type, SQLGenerator gen) || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendPrefixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query) || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendInfixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query) || not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendSuffixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendTableHint(StringBuffer buf, SQLJoin join, Query query)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendIdentityPrefix(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean appendIdentityColumn(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean appendIdentityValue(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean appendIdentitySuffix(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || void bindIdentity(PreparedStatement stmt, SQLInsert work) throws SQLException|| not started || ---
| public abstract || Object getIdentityValue(PreparedStatement stmt, Column column, SQLInsert work) throws SQLException|| not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean appendNoRowsBlock(StringBuffer buf)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || void appendNoRowsStart(StringBuffer buf)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean isBatchSupported()|| not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean isBatchUpdateCountSupported()|| not started || ---
| public abstract || boolean isBatchable(SQLWork work)|| not started || ---
| protected abstract || boolean isDateRangeException(SQLException e)|| not started || ---
| protected abstract || boolean isQueryTimeoutException(SQLException e)|| not started || ---
| protected abstract || boolean isDuplicateKeyException(SQLException e)|| not started || ---
| protected abstract || String getDuplicateKeyName(SQLException e)|| not started || ---
| protected abstract || boolean indexNameMatches(Index index, String sPhysicalName)|| not started || ---
| protected abstract || boolean isDeadlockException(SQLException e)|| not started || ---
| protected abstract || boolean isLockTimeoutException(SQLException e)|| not started || ---
| public abstract || SQLSchemaManager createSchemaManager()|| not started || ---
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|+ *Protected methods to work on