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400 bytes added, 10:25, 26 October 2010
: For Hunk Failed message, first we need to make sure it's not applied before. Second thing to check is that bases are the same. All the revisions before that new changeset even with failed build should be applied before applying the successfully built change-set.
*5- If there is an uncommited message, the script can not work properly, e.g. Rev is 18+. So, error should be displayed for the uncommited change-sets.
*6- To run JUnit Tests from command line:
: add the JUnit installation directory and the junit.jar file and also QTjava to the CLASSPATH. e.g. <code>CLASSPATH=".;D:\cygwin\home\java\junit3.0.1\junit.jar;C:\Program Files\java\jre6\lib\ext\QTjava"</code>
: to run a sample AllTests class go to the installation directory and run: <code> java junit.textui.TestRunner nexj.core.util.MathUtilTest </code>