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BTH740 Sample Research Project Page

614 bytes removed, 15:21, 5 October 2011
Project Title Here
{{BTH740 Index | 2010320113}}<br />To add a page to this wiki for your research project (if you are a student in BTH740, Fall of 2010):* add an entry to the table below with the name of your project* select the project name** if the page does not exist, a new page will be created** if the page exist, the page should appear<br />Use the following format for your table entry:<br /><pre>|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]]||[ LID]|-</pre><br />Replace the placeholders with your own information:
* WUN: Your Wiki User name= Project Title Here =* FN[mailto: Your First Name]* LN[mailto: Your Last Name]* TPN[mailto: Your Research Project Page Name on wiki]* TN[mailto: Your Research Project name* LID: Your seneca email ID (yourLearnID@learn id)<br /><br /> eMail All]
{| class="wikitable sortable" borderWeb Sites Reviewed ="1" cellpadding### = Thesis Statement ="5"|+ <big>List of Research Projects - Fall of 2010</big>==== Thesis ======== Keywords ====! First Name !! Last Name !! Project Name !! Seneca Id==== Bibliography ====|-|[[User:Chris_S | Chris]]||Szalwinski||[[BTH740 Sample = Research Project Page|Project Page Name]]||[ =bth740 chris.szalwinski]|-