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Set up Puppet

832 bytes added, 13:58, 14 October 2010
Project Plan
== Project Details ==
Provides more depth than Why we need puppet? Imagine if you are an administrator for data center that have over 500 systems, where you need to change configuration often, how easy is it to do that? hah! easy? it is very hard to go to every system and do the Project Descriptionchanges. That is where puppets is to help you for centralized management. This All the configuration is done at the place puppet master, and then the clients will receive the changes. All clients will communicate with puppet master periodically to see if there are any changes for technical discussionsrespective configuration, project specsand download the latest configuration and make sure it is synchronize with that configuration.Once the configuration applied, or other detailsit will report to the puppet master asking if there are anything need to changed. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages   [[Image:filename|thumb|widthpx| ]] The pictures below shows how puppet master and linking to themclient interact. [[File:puppet.png]]
== Project Plan ==
Goals for each release:
* 0.1
1) Initial set up.
Download the required software and setup in the testing server/client
* 0.2
1) Install it in the ARM farm and testing.
* 0.3
1) final Release and make it available for software developers.
== Project News ==