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Code Indexer

51 bytes added, 00:20, 5 October 2006
==Project News and Details==
* '''Issue:''' OpenGrok is very demanding. It has allready filled a 12GB VMware image, and i still dont know how large the index grows. This could be a problem, not because i dont have space, but because this may be too much for the school server. Likely OpenGrok would need a dedicated, reasonibly fast machine. It seems to be a very powerful, extremely well done context (taking the lingo out for a walk ;)) application but it is missing the ability to associate "blame"from what I see. I also don't know how it takes care of file versioning. This is happened when indexing the entire 2.9GB mozilla CVSROOT btw. If you take a look at the example OpenGrok I link to, you will see that its a really nice application!
* Switched to a local VM from my P4 --[[User:John64|John64]] 21:44, 4 October 2006 (EDT)
* Set Java's location in /etc/default/tomcat5 --[[User:John64|John64]] 20:15, 3 October 2006 (EDT)