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2,181 bytes added, 21:02, 22 September 2010
Created page with ' Hi Murray, Sandra left me a voicemail on Tuesday to discuss this but we have not had a chance to talk yet. I have no issue with students from Seneca working on a project for …'

Hi Murray,

Sandra left me a voicemail on Tuesday to discuss this but we have not had a chance to talk yet.

I have no issue with students from Seneca working on a project for Westminster and we will co-operate with them.

I have not had a chance to investigate Wordpress in much detail but I see that it requires PHP and MySQL. We don’t have any other clients who require this on our Windows web servers and I am not likely going to install it unless there is the possibility of other clients using Wordpress as well. If the Seneca students are interested in designing a website taking advantage of IIS using Windows then that would work out fine for Westminster and we could continue to host the site.

Bill Boisvenue, President
BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

<div> <div>
'''From:''' Susanne Boisvenue
'''Sent:''' Thursday, September 09, 2010 8:38 AM
'''To:''' Bill Boisvenue
'''Subject:''' FW: Hi There from Murray at Westminster
</div> </div>

Do you know what he is talking about?


'''From:''' Murray Saul []
'''Sent:''' Wednesday, September 08, 2010 7:43 PM
'''To:''' Susanne Boisvenue
'''Subject:''' Re: Hi There

Hi Susanne and Bill,

I believe Sandra may have contacted via phone about allowing Seneca Students work help analyze and design some modifications on your existing Windows system.

I believe these students can also incorporate a web-page design if required (i.e. not have to look to WordPress). I believe Westminster would benefit from an in-depth analysis (with students generating full documentation). The analysis phase would take 1 semester, and the design and implementation one semester. There may be room for subsequent projects to "tweak" the system. I recall we discussed a possible arrangement for students to work with you to see how it affects your side...

Anyways, the fall semester is starting which presents a window of opportunity. I will support and stand by whatever decision or suggestion(s) you make. If you could please let me know if a "go" or "no-go" within a week's time, so I can plan or "call-off" any projects that would affect the Seneca students.

: )


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