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96 bytes added, 16:18, 20 August 2010
no edit summary
* space issues on hongkong, cleared out all rpms that have already been uploaded into koji from /tmp directories. Also resized root partition adding an additional 40G.
* troubleshooting issue on hongkong. some commands will not return a prompt, ie 'll /' , 'df -hT'. Issue turned out to be an nfs share that was no longer shared with HongKong.
* Made changes to mkrootfs package, attempting to allow armv5tel rootfs to be created on any machine, not just another arm machine.
* build of perl-version-0.82-1.fc12 has stopped all builds on koji, cannot init build root due to version conflict between perl and perl-version. I have untagged the offending package and taken all builders offline to allow new repos to be generated. Will then attempted to import perl-version-0.82-1.fc13 in an attempt to fix. Asked in the #koji channel for assistance, no response yet.