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PRO608A summer2010

3,038 bytes added, 14:18, 22 August 2010
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! Last Name !! First Name !! Seneca Username !! PRO608a Matrix website !! Email !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick
| Gorscak || Ljubomir || gljubomir || [ matrixPRO608-project1/~gljubomirBaseProject.swf Assignment 1] || || [ Blogspot] || ljubo
| Granovsky || Andriy || aagranovsky || [ Assignment 1]|| || - || param
| Samimi || Ali || asamimi|| [ Project/ AliProject] || || [ The Door] || asa_
| Choephel|| Thupten|| tchoephel|| [ ThuptenDataSample/ Assignment2] || || [ Thupten's Blog] || thupten
| Khai Huynh|| Khai|| nkhuynh1|| [ Khai's class noteproject 1] || || [ Khai Huynh's Blog] || nkhuynh1
| Butnaru || Stefan || sbutnaru || [ testing] || || N/A || N/A
| Joshua || Byer || jbyer || [ Joshua] [ JoshuaJoshua2] || || none || none
| Zhang || Jia || jzhang11 || [ Jia] || || none || none
| Bagasrawala|| Rashida|| rbagasrawala|| [ RashidaProject1] [ Project2] || || none || none
| Grewal|| Harman|| hgrewal3|| Project 2 || || none || none
| Nasir|| Arsalan|| anasir4|| [ Project 1][ Project 2] || || none || none
| Novichikhin|| Konstantin|| knovichikhi|| [ Balls! (A1)] - [ Balls! Demo (A2 - Score posting)][ Balls! Final (A2 - Scoreboard)] || || [ Blog Link] || knovichikhin
| Thanh|| Dao|| tdao3|| [ Project ]|| || none || none
| Qing|| Luo|| qluo5|| || || N/A || N/A
| Yu|| Sasaki|||| [ Project1 ] [ Project2]|| || N/A || N/A|- | David|| Takasaki|||| [ Project ][ Project 2]|| || N/A || takasaki|-| Kanakarayar || Nalini|||| [ Project] || none || none|-| Liu|| Donghui || dliu53 || [ Project1 ][ Project2 ]|| || N/A || dliu53
==Week 10==
'''Class 5'''
PRO608a Summer - Class Project 1
Work alone or in pairs.
Create a flash project that runs within a browser. It can be navigation, a game of some sort, interactive art, something that takes advantage of the graphic or interactive nature of flash.
Some ideas of elements to include are:
* Collision Detection
* Keyboard interaction
* Mouse Following
* Puzzle logic
* Constrained dragging
* physics engine
* Server side code interaction
* XML or JSON driven content
Include a short explanation of what you are trying to achieve with your project, and what points of interest can be found in your code.
'''Class 6''' []
Marking scheme for Class Project 1
40% - complexity of attempted functionality
30% - Functionality of code (does it work?)
10% - Appropriate use of flash abilities
20% - Elegance of code
==Week 11==
==Week 12==
[[savecode save.php]]
[[getcode get.php]]
===Assignment 2:===
For assignment 2, Create a project that shows that you understand the basics of posting data to a server and retrieving it later. You can start with the DataSample.fla in the download, or use it as a guideline. Implement some new functionality that alters the base code (ie, alters the type or amount of data being sent), or adds server interaction to another project. You can use the get and set pages at on the server side, or use your own server-side code.