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918 bytes added, 21:32, 2 October 2006
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== John Ford ==

====Who I Am====
I am a second year BSD Student. I have been a long time computer junk, but my programming fascination is pretty recent. My first dabble with Linux was in 1999 using Red Hate Linux 5.2 on a 486. I have also done a lot of building of computers, which I taught myself.

====What I Am====
*Scientific classification
** Domain: Eukaryota
** Kingdom: Animalia
** Phylum: Chordata
** Class: Mammalia
** Order: Primates
** Family: Hominidae
** Genus: Homo
** Species: H. sapiens
** Subspecies: H. s. sapiens

====Where I Am====
I live in Toronto, the west end. I have a 2.5h trip each way. GRR!

====When I Am====
Well, that doesnt make sense, but I was born December 2, 1986.

====Why I Am====
Why Not?

====How I Am====
We wont go into that :P

==My Projects==
===Code Indexer===
I am working on a replacement code indexer for Mozilla right now.
[[Code Indexer]]