no edit summary
* Working on a third error that has to do with inheritance as well. When a method is created in a super class, and references another variable inside the same super class, it will always reference the same method, even if it's being called by a sub class. Nothing but dead ends so far.
* Did end up fixing the one talked above, ended up being ticket [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/637-inheritance-problems-with-parsing-function-odd-behaviour#ticket-637-2 637]
Sat May 8, Sun May 9<br />
* Built firefox remotly form home.
* Fixed a [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/640-flocking-example-broke bug] with Inheritance, and filed [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284-processingjs/tickets/643-inheritance-problems-with-variables another] to be fixed at a later date.
Monday May 10<br />
* Had a phone conference about the js video library with Brett and Mark.
* Started on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/232-test-removal-of-with-p removing with].
* Did some testing for release 0.9.
Tuesday May 11<br />
* Continued with [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/232-test-removal-of-with-p removing with].
* What I did was broke the processing.js down to the parser, ArrayList, and the constuctor. Got that working, and updated it.