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Winter 2010 Presentations/Storage Performance

23 bytes removed, 20:57, 21 April 2010
Since NFS and iSCSI are both network storage solutions they have no cost in themselves, but rely on network storage on a remote server. This price is simply the cost of the drives that will be installed in the remote storage server. A USB connected PATA or SATA drive requires both a hard drive and a PATA/SATA to USB interface such as an external drive enclosure.
* NFS: Free (Uses existing storage)
* iSCSI: Free (Uses existing storage)
* USB PATA: ~$100 CAD
Another factor is cost. Since NFS and iSCSI are both network storage solutions they have no cost in themselves, but rely on network storage on a remote server. This price is simply the cost of the drives that will be installed in the remote storage server. A USB connected PATA or SATA drive requires both a hard drive and a PATA/SATA to USB interface such as an external drive enclosure.