→Acknowledgements and Links
* Goal
Our Primary Goal and Focus was to package the DXR 'viewsource' web application tool and dependencies, (Dehydra and Jshydra), as a first step towards packaging the full DXR system for wide, reliable distribution. DXR contains components such as Dehydra, Jshydra, Viewsource, and a Modified GCC compiler. DXR was originally created by David Humphrey as an experiment. This experiment was designed to use static analysis data from mozilla's static analysis tools (Dehydra and Jshydra) in terms of source code cross-reference. We had to essentially build each of these packages from scratch in an attempt to put it all together and hopefully have it placed in the next Fedora 13/14 distribution.
*Definition of Packaging
Packaging is defined as the process of archiving files together along with information about the package, like its current version, a description of what the package is meant to do, etc. Packages are deployed in order to solve a software issue or resolve a package dependency. New version of packages are constantly coming out with new features, patches, and fixes that improve upon the last. Packages are what make up any Linux system and as such are a very fundamental part of any open source project. However, packaging is not limited to only open source projects, mainframe software, Windows software, etc. are all packaged.
Packages are all grouped together in what are called "Package Repositories" developed and maintained by "Repo Masters". This is where the packages come from when you "yum install" any package off your machine. The DXR repository is located on scotland and can be accessed through the web browser - [http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/DXR/ DXR]
The challenge we face on the final part of the project first task was to create a SPEC file. A SPEC file is to build on file that has a beta release list of instructions that will be used by a compilerbuilding tool to build our packages. Luckily for us The problems we faced with our build are a bunch or errors linking back to libraries that it cannot find and incorrect path names. After lots of Google searching and communication on Seneca’s Channel on IRC, we were able to reference fix that issue. The solutions to our work problems are using the correct options to build and use patches that will alter the code. After solving the issue we continued to build but this time we came across an issue, that even Google cannot help us with an earlier version . To try to fix our issue we tried to email the package create of this compilerGCC, but sadly we did not hear back from them.
After speaking with the Fedora community, they suggested that we try to do a command line build from the GCC 4.5 tarball. With their advice, we extracted the GCC 4.5 file and started building from command line. The result of the compile the source and install it successfully into our system.
Now our remaining task is to compare the configuration settings between the source and our build tool and work around our findings. Until we can figure this problem, our project is on a stand still.
(build-failure-64bit.png) + (build-failure-32bit.png)
= Acknowledgements and Links =
* Chris Tyler - http://blog.chris.tylers.info/
* Boris Chao Blog - http://blog.bchao.ca
* Jonathan Deni Blog - http://jonathandeni.blogspot.com/
* JSHydra - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JSHydra
* Project Repo - http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/DXR/
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