As an alternative to creating a comps repo, here is a mock config file:
config_opts['root'] = 'fedora-12-arm' config_opts['target_arch'] = 'armv5tel' # The chroot_setup_cmd is usually 'groupinstall buildsys-build' but that hasn't been defined for ARM yet. # Instead, the package list is specified here. config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install bash bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils fedora-release findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ grep gzip info make patch redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed shadow-utils tar unzip util-linux-ng which bash curl cvs fedora-release gnupg make redhat-rpm-config rpm-build shadow-utils' config_opts['dist'] = 'fc12' # only useful for --resultdir variable subst config_opts['yum.conf'] = """ [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum debuglevel=1 reposdir=/dev/null logfile=/var/log/yum.log retries=20 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=0 assumeyes=1 # repos [fedora] name=fedora mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.fedora-arm.wantstofly.org/?repo=fedora-12&arch=arm failovermethod=priority [updates-released] name=updates mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.fedora-arm.wantstofly.org/?repo=updates-released-f12&arch=arm failovermethod=priority """