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<big><big>Object Oriented Programming II Using C++</big></big>

[[OOP344]] - [[OOP344 Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams]] - [[OOP344 Assignment One]] - [[OOP344 Assignment Two]] - [[OOP344 IRC Schedules 20093 |OOP344 IRC Schedules]] <br />
- [[Student Resources]]<br />

Please help make this page resourceful for all OOP344 students to use!
= OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++=

==[ Subject Description and Course Outcomes]==

* Please visit the [ School Of Computer Studies] website for the [ detailed description] of the subject

== The Project ==

The project for this semester is a multiplatform text based, Text Editor.<br />

The project is divided into 2 main parts.
===Individual work===

Done individually! Each student must complete and hand her/his own work, no collaboration permitted for this part.

The assignment can be found [[OOP344_Assignment_One|here]].

* [[OOP344 Assignment One#Console Input Output Library|Console Input Output Library (ciol)]]
** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Basic Console Input Output|Basic Console Input Output (io)]]: <br /> This part is written in C language. It is responsible for handling basic input output features needed to interact with the console
** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Line and Selection Editor|Line and Selection Editor:]]<br /> This part is written in C Language and only uses bcio routines, to interact with the console.
*** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Line Editor: int io_edit(........)|Line Editor]]<br /> This is responsible for making a full edit on a single line of text and also provide basis for a multi-line text editor.
*** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Selection Editor|Selection Editor]]<br /> It provides means (A Checkbox) to create selection lists or Yes/No queries.

===Open Source===

This part will be done collaboratively in groups of 4 - 8 students under a simulated open source model
* Basic Encapsulating Classes (bec)<br /> This part is written in C++ and encapsulates the '''''io''''' routines into classes
* The Text Editor<br />this part is written in C++ and uses the '''''bec''''' classes to do full text edit.


To be completed


*[ How To edit Wiki pages]
*[ Subversion (SVN)]
*[ SVN book at] or download [ the PDF from here].
*Mac Lab Available in 2108 as well as in the Computing Commons*



[ Class notes, samples, tests, ... since 2001]<br />
Or checkout svn://

= OOP344 -- Weekly Schedule =
==Week 2 - Sep 13==
===This Week===

C, a closer look to:
define, include, macros, operators, statement evaluation, return value of main, return value of printf and scanf, Conditional Compilation

Starting assignment one

===To Do===

Due date: Sep -17 - 2009 , 23:59 (11:59pm)
* Add your name to the [[OOP344 Student List]]
* Join the IRC by [ registering your nickname on freenode] server and joining the #Seneca channel
* Create a blog (if you don't already have one) and [[Planet CDOT Feed List|add your feed]] to [ Planet CDOT]
* Challenge: write this function without using any library functions; void GetInt(char *strint, int val);<br /> this function gets an integer value and converts it to a string ("strint")
* Challenge: Modify [[OOP344 Assignment One#void io_display(const char *str, int row, int col, int len)|io_display]] function to the shortest code possible. Get the source[ HERE].

==Week 3 - Sep 20==

===This Week===

Starting Assignment one, starting the project

Pointers, pointer arithmetic, pointer to pointer to....,

===To Do===
* Complete last week's "To Do"s.
* Form the teams and [[OOP344 Teams|add your team to the wiki]]
** Teams with less than 4 members and more than 8 are not acceptable.
** Merge or divide teams if necessary to adjust the number of team members.
** Teams' member selection must be finalized by Oct 3rd.
** Those without a team, join the teams with least number of members.
** Select a team leader who is going to be the contact person for the team.
*Challenge 3: using what we learned so far (logical operators, and pointers) write the io_display function in ONE line only(Due Sunday 23:59):
<pre>void io_display(const char *str, int row, int col, int len){
yada yada yada;

==Week 4 - Sep 27==

===Topics for this week===
* #undef, casting, unsigned variables, multi-dimensional arrays and their pointer notation
* pointers to functions, pointers to pointers to pointers to...
* typedef, enum

===To Do===
* Complete last week's "To Do"s.
* Finalize Teams by end of the week (Sat Oct 3rd)
** If your team has less than 4 members, either try to merge your team to another team or break up your team and join other teams.
** After finalizing your members make sure your team wiki page is created and includes the list of all team members and their information
** Select and identify a first and second contact person for your group.

==Week 5 - Oct 04==

===This Week===

* [[OOP344_Quiz2_20093|Quiz 2]]
* Bits, bitwise operators
* a jump ahead and review!, C++, Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation

* default parameters, forward declaration, initialization vs. setting, virtual methods, pure virtual methods, abstract base classes

===To Do===
* Complete last week's "To Do"s, if not done already!
* Copy [ as1tester.c] and run the test with your ciol.c and ciol.h
* A quick tutorial for SVN: [ Source Control in Ten Minutes]
* Read first four chapters of [ the SVN book].
* Download SVN and install it on your PC from []
** windows: [ Tortoise SVN]
** Linux (Fedora: <big><code>yum install subversion</code></big>)
** MAC: already in Apple's Developer Tools

==Week 6 - Oct 11==

===This Week===
==== Dynamic Memory allocation ====
To do Dynamic Memory Allocation you need:
# Pointer of the type of the memory we are allocating. Ex: int* p;
# If the pointer is already pointing at another already allocated memory, deallocate it.
# Allocate memory and set the pointer to its address.
# Use the memory.....
# When you are done, deallocate it. Ex: delete [ ] p;

===To Do===
* Assignment one is due Thursday Oct 15th, 23:59
* Complete past weeks' "To Do"s
* A quick tutorial for SVN: [ Source Control in Ten Minutes]
* Get ready for a quiz on Dynamic memory allocation and SVN next week.

==Week 7 - Oct18==

===This Week===

* passing arguments
* Quiz on DMA and SVN
* Assigning SVN Accounts
* IRC Meetings with Teams.
* [ Linked Lists]
* Declaration Modifiers
** [ const]
** [ extern]
** [ static]
** [ auto]
** [ register]
** [ volatile]
* Passing arguments as command line arguments
* Variable argument list

===To Do===

* Upload your sources to SVN
* Do Test Checkouts, builds and commits.
** For 5%, copy constructor for the DsStack class in the notes.
** For your own good, make the DsStack class in the notes efficient....
** svn://

==Week 8 - Oct 25==
===This Week===
* Study break
* IRC classes

==Week 9 - Nov 1==
===This Week===

====Test One====

Test one on Monday and Tuesday (Nov 2 and Nov 3)
* Linked Lists (continued)
** [ doubly-linked]
** trees (introduced)

==Week 10 - Nov 8==
===This Week===
* File Streams
** what are cin and cout
** fstream, ifstream, ofstream
* Binary File Access
** read, write, append, truncate (ios::in, ios::out, ios::app, ios::ate, ios::trunc, ios::binary)

==Week 11 - Nov 15==
===This Week===
* Binary File Access (continued)
** seeking and getting the current location in a file
** index files, hashes, searches
* inline functions

==Week 12 - Nov 22==
===This Week===
* Templates
** function templates
** class templates
* Statics
** Declaration Modifiers
** methods
** extern

==Week 13 - Nov 29==
===This Week===

====Test Two====

Test Two, Monday and Tuesday (Nov 30 and Dec 1)
* multiple inheritance
* Base classes
** virtual base classes
** abstract base classes (revisited)
* exception handling

==Week 14 - Dec 6==
===This Week===


Exam on Thursday Dec, 10th, room T4040 14:00

* casting and run time information
* standard template library (introduced)

* review