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17 bytes added, 09:13, 9 November 2009
Assignment 2 Essay Topics
|In ''Ender's Game'', almost the entire novel is set in schools that train children to become military commanders. What is Card saying about the military mindset and leadership (how does the military "make" leaders, and how does it view people, war, politics, etc).||
|In ''Ender's Game'' friends become enemies and enemies become friends. And sometimes a character is both a friend to, and an enemy of, Ender. What is Card saying about how we define, and identify, friends and enemies?||Tristan Bettencourt|| Harman Grewal
|Show how both dreams and the virtual reality game Ender plays are used to examine some of the key themes of ''Ender's Game''. (The above questions all deal with key themes in the novel.)||