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OOP344 Temporary

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Task schedule
[[OOP344]] - [[OOP344 Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams]] - [[OOP344 Assignment One]] - [[OOP344 Assignment Two]] - [[OOP344 IRC Schedules 20093 | OOP344 IRC Schedules]]<br />
== Team Temporary Name ==
''' Group Contact/Team Leader: Hasan '''
! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task !! SVN Username
| Butnaru Hughes || Stefan Joseph || sbutnaru jphughes || B || [ Cloudscorpion's Blog] || Fonzie CloudScorpion || - IO_Form || ops344_093svn114ops344_093svn112
| Hughes Johnson || Joseph Ausley || jphughes aljohnson1 || B || [ Cloudscorpion's My Blog] || CloudScorpion Johnno || - IO_Edit || ops344_093svn112ops344_093svn113
| Johnson Kamal-Al-Deen || Ausley Hasan || aljohnson1 hkamal-al-deen || B || [ My BlogThe Orbital Station] || Ausley_Johnson northWind87 || - LinkedList || ops344_093svn113ops344_093svn111
| Kamal-Al-Deen Sandhu || Hasan Charanjit || hkamal-al-deen cssandhu || B || [ The Orbital StationBlog] || northWind87 Charanjit|| IO_Label || ops344_093svn114 |} = Task schedule = {| border="1" cellpadding="5"|+! Task Name !! Assigned to !! Due date !! Completed|-| IO_Field || JP Hughes || - || Done|-| IO_Form || JP Hughes || Thursday, 12th November || Done|-| ULinkedList || Hash Kamal-al-deen || Wednesday, 11th November || Done|-| IO_Frame || Ausley Johnson || - || Done|-| IO_Edit || Ausley Johnson || Sunday, 15th November || Done|-| IO_Vedit || Ausley Johnson || Sunday, 15th November || Done|-| IO_Label || CJ Sandhu || Thursday, 12th November || Done|-| IO_CheckList || CJ Sandhu || Sunday, 20th November || Done|-| IO_Menu || Hash Kamal-al-deen || Tuesday, 17th November || Done|-| IO_Menumgr || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| IO_Settings || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| CIOL Frame Buffer Extension || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| Linux Port || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| IO_Button || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| IO_ButtonGrp || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| IO_Box || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| IO_MsgBoxForm<br/>IO_FileForm || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || Done|-| IO_DirBrowser || Hash Kamal-Al-Deen || - || IN PROGRESS|-| IO_TextEditor || JP Hughes || - || Done|-| Word Wrapper || JP Hughes || - || Done|-| IO_Filemgr || Ausley Johnson || - || DONE|-| IO_Controller || JP Hughes || - || DONE|-| IO_EditorForm || JP Hughes || - || DONE|-| IO_PrefForm || ? || - || ops344_093svn111PLANNED
| Sandhu Highlight Functionality || Charanjit ? || cssandhu - || B PLANNED|-| [http:Copy/Paste || ? || - || PLANNED|-| Search/ Blog] Replace || Charanjit? || - || ops344_093svn114PLANNED
== Coding Standards ==Coding standards are important if now have their own page [[OOP344_Temporary_CodingStandards | here]]!<br/>'''-northWind87''' = Announcements === December 21, 2009 : Meeting Results and The Way Forward == We had another meeting last Thursday and even though we didn't have CJ with us, it was still effective. For now, the way forward seems relatively clear. Out of the meeting, we want code to 've decided on the following project requirements: # An IO_Control class will be readableimplemented that will handle the normal operations of the text editor. Now This class will hold the jist one true instance of these rules is that they're "common sense" the IO_Menumgr class and will be responsible for interfacing with readability in mindthe menu. The most important section is the commenting section as it is basically arbitrary while all the others should IO_Form class will be more or less common sensemodified to hold an IO_Control pointer to its IO_Control owner. In any case# An IO_Settings class will be implemented (already complete) that will save, load, and give access to all subsequent project settings such as word wrapping. The classes IO_Field and IO_Control will each hold a pointer an IO_Settings instance. IO_Form will be responsible for passing the entire thing is up here for reference purposesIO_Settings object to newly created IO_Fields from its IO_Control owner.# IO_Filemgr will be further developed by Ausley. We should all attempt It will be able to follow these guidelines when writing codeopen file records and control their read and write operations.<br/><br/>While no one # Some extension classes will be developed. These classes will be derived from the other generic control classes (eg IO_Form, IO_Menu, etc...) and will be prosecuted or killed if they forget one or more specific configurations of those classes. For example, a derivation of theseIO_Form will be preferences window known as IO_PrefForm. Currently, the others will gently list of extension classes slated for creation is as follows:#* IO_EditorForm (IO_Form -> IO_EditorForm)#* IO_PrefForm (IO_Form -> IO_PrefForm)#* IO_MsgBox (IO_Form -> IO_MsgBox)#* IO_BtnGrp (IO_Menu -> IO_BtnGrp) So there we go, hopefully we can whip this stuff out in short order. ''' -northWind ''' == December 07, 2009 : The Deadline Approaches and The Rise of The New World Order == Been a while since our last announcement but here we go, a few things to go over:Firstly, I'd like to say on behalf of everyone - '''remindCongratulations!'''  As of now, nearly all required functionality has been implemented. Everything from Frame to Textedit is now working (with Textedit nearly working, much thanks to JP for all his hard work on that and the Form). I personally feel that this is a great accomplishment considering that we are planning to move forward ahead of what is actually required and into foreign territory. With this come a few issues: As we move into uncharted waters, the person effects of feature creep will become more and more apparent; I've personally felt them in question much of my own work. Consider the fact that my ULL is ~600 lines of code and the menu manager is going to hit something around 400 or 500; even IO_Menu is gargantuan at 300 lines where Fardad's menu is only something like 180 lines. This will put our total project at somewhere near the 3000+ line mark when it's finished while Fardad in the beginning of the semester planned for the entire culmination of the project to be somewhere around 1600 lines of code. I don'follow t know how this will affect everyone but with exams creeping right around the guidelinescorner, I feel that this might be a good time to take a bit of a rest from this assignment and perhaps take a look back at what we have and what we want. Preliminarily, I've added some of the features that we would like to have in this editor by January; they are all up for discussion as we must now re-assign duties once again. I'' :)m hoping that we can minimally have save and load finished as they are fairly simple but I mean who knows. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday, we have some discussing to do.
=== Naming Conventions ===* ''' Camel Notation ''' should be used for variable names and function names ** ''' ie ''' <code>myVar, bigInt, getNumber(), myFunction()</code>* Class names should always be ''' First-Letter Capitalized '''** ''' ie ''' <code>TestClass, DynamicStack, PeanutButter, Hammer</code>* Compiler directives should always be written in ''' All Lowercase '''** ''' ie ''' <code>#define, #ifndef</code>* Compiler definitions should be ''' All Uppercase ''' and should only use underscore where a gap is required ** ''' ie ''' <code>IO_CTL_LARGEFILE, SOME_DEFINITION</code>* Header file defines should be preceeded and followed with ''' Two Underscores '''** ''' ie ''' <code>__CIOL_H__, __IO_FORM_H__</code>* Pointer declaration should ''' emphasize the type ''' with the <b>"*"</b> being pushed against the right side of the data type as opposed to the left side of the variable name.** ''' ie ''' <code>char* str, int* num, void* addr</code>* Binary operators should have a space between them and their constituents ('''Note:''' This does not apply to unary operators such as ++ or []).** ''' ie ''' <code>x = 7, z += y, int i = 10, judge = y > 5</code>* As well, please leave a space after every comma and every semicolon if something follows it.** ''' ie ''' <code>foo(int firstInt, int secondInt, int thirdInt), x = bugSquish(parm1, parm2), for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)</code>* Finally, <code>void</code> should always be explicitly declared.** ''' ie northWind ''' <code>void doStuff(void), int getInt(void)</code>
=== Statement Notation =November 04, 2009 : Stefan Butnaru is Officially Out ==The first left parenthesis on a function declaration should open immediately after the function name while the first left parenthesis on a loop declaration should open one space after the loop declaration.<br />''' ie Functions: '''<pre>int hello(char goodbye(void getQuestion(</pre>
''' ie Loops: '''<pre>while (for (do (</pre>Hello, this announcement is to simply inform all that Stefan Butnaru has officially left the group as he plans to drop the OOP344 course in favor of the COBOL courses. I have already removed his name from the group pages, and his task has now been released and can be picked up by anyone who wants it once their current task is completed.
In the same sense, the first left parenthesis should immediately follow the function name when a function is called.<br/>''' ie -CloudScorpion ''' <code>x = getInt(), someInt = y + bigSum(y, r)</code>
=== Code Blocks =October 31, 2009 : Meeting Tuesday and Wednesday ==Both function blocks and loop blocks should open on the same line as the declaration statement preceding them; however, function blocks should open immediately after the last right parenthesis while loop blocks should open one space after the last right parenthesis.<br />''' ie Functions: '''<pre>int hello(){char goodbye(){void getQuestion(void){</pre>
''' ie Loops: '''<pre>while (var < 15) {Hey guys, our next group meeting will be in the school on Tuesday after class; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {do (blah) {</pre>details, please see the Meetings section. As well, we have an IRC meeting with Fardad on Wednesday at 5pm.
=== Comment Blocks ===All functions should have a comment block preceding them which should explain what In the function does in a few brief sentencestime being, what parameters please start working on your assigned sections. Consider the part of A2 that is currently available online to be final; it receives will not need to be revised so please work with each parameter having a section preceded by <code>@param</code>, and anything that the function may return preceded outline currently available. Let's get some work done by <code>@return</code> at the end of the block. Try Tuesday guys because we don't have too long to keep things lined up so that theyfinish this thing and ideally I're easier d like this beginning section to readbe finished by Friday of this coming week.
Here is an example from Assignment 1 utilizing the io_strcpy() function:<pre>/*Copies a given number of characters from one string to another. *Self copying is allowed. Does not stop at null-terminatorAs usual, always copies *the given number of characters. * *@param const char* src address from which if there are any discrepancies or if anyone needs some help or if you want to copy characters. *@param char* dest address to which characters will be copied. *@param int n number of characters to copy. * *@return the address of dest if copy was successful, NULL otherwise. */char* io_strcpy(char* dest, const char* src, int n){</pre>Commenting within the function should be generally organized, that's about it for in-function commentinghelp others then please let me know.
As well, please ensure that a small commented header is at the top of every file (implementation if .cpp or header if .h). It should contain information such as the file name, project name, last modified date, last modified by, etc...Using the example of ciol.c from assignment 1, it should be in the following form:<pre>/* ########################################################################## Project: OOP344 Assignment 1 File Name: ciol.c File Desc.: Implementation file for console input output (CIOL) library.See you soon!
Last Modified By: Hasan Kamal-Al-Deen
Last Modified On: October 14, 2009
Now SVN can actually automatically change the "last modified" lines as you commit files to the repository but we'll have to work that out after we know a bit more about the assignment. For the time being, we'll have to update files manually :)<br/><br/>
That's about it folks, feel free to add or remove anything if you feel so compelled but please consult the rest of the group first if it is a major change.<br/>
== Announcements October 30, 2009 : Upcoming Meeting & possible new meetings ===Ok guys, we have another IRC meeting at 7:00 PM on Friday October 30 (today). Fardad wants the wiki updated and blogs about the previous meeting up before the meeting at 7:00 PM. He likely wants us all to have assigned tasks by the meeting as well, which northWind and myself have already decided on, and is likely already posted or will be posted shortly after this is posted. I also think it would be a great idea to have some more independant group meetings, preferably one next week. I was not present for the last meeting, and there are some things I'd like to go over with the group, ideas and plans for the upcoming project. A meeting time we can all agree on would be prefereable, but it is not critical that all members be present. I have continued attempting to contact Stefan Butnaru but to no avail. We will have to wait and see. ''' -CloudScorpion ''' == October 27, 2009 : Coding Standards added, meeting with Fardad at 5 pm Wednesday ===
OK! It was a long write but I've added all the necessary and agreed upon coding standards. As of now they are up here as a reference for everyone. Hopefully we can stick to the guidelines, gentlemen? As usual, if there are any disagreements or discrepancies on anything please feel free to consult me and/or the group in it's entirety.
''' -northWind87 '''
=== October 25, 2009 : IRC meetings ===
As I've emailed you all, Fardad wants two IRC meetings with us during the study week so please indicate your availability (all of it, all times that you are available) during the study week here.
=Meetings === Study Week Availability ==Tuesday November 3 == Second meeting. We will meet Tuesday after OOP344 class as I've confirmed this date with everyone. ''' Agenda: '''* Discuss the final state of A2.* Decide on any additional features that we may want.* Design the final/altered form of our group's A2.* Plot project time-line up until November 29 which is when A2 is due.
That's about it, see you then!<br/>''Hasan:'-northWind87''' Tuesday 11am - 2pm, Wednesday 11am - 6pm, Thursday 6:30pm - 10pm, Friday 6:30pm - 10pm, Saturday 11am - 9pm
== Meetings ===== Tuesday October 27 ===
Alright guys, first meeting ever. The tentative meeting time is so far somewhere in between the afternoon (ie 1 pm) and the evening (ie 5:30 pm) so your input would be highly appreciated.<br/>
As well, we're gonna have to speak to Fardad on IRC at some point although he hasn't been on IRC and hasn't emailed me about it yet so I'll let you all know once I know more. '''-northWind87'''
= Discussion =
'''northWind87:''' Added discussion section and our first comment.