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== Project Name ==
Porting pushStyle(), popStyle(), and boolean() Processing to Processing.js
== Project Description ==
[ Processing.js] remains incomplete as a port of [ Processing]. Among the features still to be implemented The following functions are the functions targeted:*[ ''pushStyle()''], *[ ''popStyle()''], and *[ ''boolean()'']*[http://processing. The first two functions automatically save style information for later retrieval and reuseorg/reference/strokeCap_.html ''strokeCap()'']*[ ''strokeJoin()'']*[ ''text()''] (bug fix)*[ ''min()''] (bug fix)*[ ''max()''] (bug fix)*[ ''String::equals()'']*[ ''nf()''] (bug fix)*[http://processing. The last "converts" arguments into a boolean valueorg/reference/int_.html ''int()''] (bug fix)
This project seeks to implement those three functions. The repository may be found == Resources ==*[ heregithub branch repository]*[ Lighthouse issue tracking]*[ Processing for the Web @ Mozilla]
== Project Leader(s) ==
== Project Details ==
===pushStyle() and popStyle()===
*The number of states saved is tracked by ''pushedStates''. *''pushStyle()'' calls '''' and increments ''pushedStates'' by one. ''popStyle()'' checks if there are any saved states via ''pushedStates''. If there *Excess pops are none an error notice to the console or as a JavaScript alert, in an attempt to provide similar behaviour to Processing's implementation. If there are saved states, the function calls ''curContext.restore()'' and decrements ''pushedStates'' by oneignored.
====Related Mozilla bugs====
*Non-zero numeric values become ''true''
**Bytes (0's and 1's) are interpreted as numeric values.
*''null'' and ''undefine'' become ''false''.
*Boolean arguments are returned as themselves.
*Modifies context.lineCap.
*ROUND -> context.lineCap="round";
*SQUARE -> context.lineCap="butt";
*PROJECT -> context.lineCap="square";
*Processing default (ROUND) set in '''''function''' init''.
*'''''function''' size'' modified to respect previous settings.
**Used to recreate context and reset settings, which overwrote the desired default.
*Partially implementation missing ability to take int, float, double, and byte arguments.
*float and doubles rounded to thousandths digit.
*.5 rounds down rather than up.
*JavaScript does not distinguish between bytes and ints, causing incomplete replication of Processing behaviour
*Processing's ''PApplet.parseInt(String)'' and ''PApplet.parseInt(String[])'' handles doubles-as-Strings differently. In the former, doubles are 'floored' correctly, in the latter exceptions are thrown.
==Things to do==
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Assigned to
|Test cases for ''pushStyle()'' and ''popStyle()''
|[[User:mlam19|Matthew Lam]]
|[ Test page]
|Test cases for ''boolean()''
|[[User:mlam19|Matthew Lam]]
|[ Test page]
|Test cases for ''strokeCap()''
|[[User:mlam19|Matthew Lam]]
|[ Test page]
|Test cases for ''strokeJoin()''
|[[User:mlam19|Matthew Lam]]
|[ Test page]
|Test cases for ''text()''
|[[User:mlam19|Matthew Lam]]
|[ Test page]
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
|''min()'', ''max()'', ''nf()'', and ''int()'' enhanced. ''String::equals()'' implemented.
*[ ''int()'' GitHub commit]
*[ ''nf()'' GitHub commit]
*[ ''String::equals()'' GitHub commit]
*[ ''min()'' and ''max()'' commit]
|''text()'' implementation enhanced.
*[ Final GitHub commit]
*[ Patch]
|''strokeCap()'' and ''strokeJoin()'' ported.
|[ Final GitHub commit]
|Bug fixes for ''pushStyle()'', ''popStyle()'', and ''boolean()''. Functions now functional.
|[ Patch]
|Basic functionality for ''pushStyle()'' and ''popStyle()''. Totally untested code for ''boolean()''.
|[ Patch]
== Project News ==
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"|-valign=Oct"top"!Date!Notes|-|Feb. 5, 2010|[ ''int()'' upgraded, and release 0.5 announcement]|-|Feb. 2, 2010|[ ''nf()'' upgraded]|-|Jan. 31, 2010|[ ''String::equals()'' completed]|-|Jan. 31, 2010|[ ''min()'' and ''max()'' upgraded]|-|Jan. 20, 2010|[ Release 0.4 announcement]|-|Jan. 14, 2010|[ Project continuation blog]|-|Dec. 9, 2009|[ Release 0.3 announcement].|-|Dec. 2, 2009|[http://wobblyretroaction.blogspot. com/2009/12/processingjs-strokejoin.html ''strokeJoin()'' completed].|-|Nov. 29, 2009 |[ Added strokecap.html ''booleanstrokeCap()''===completed].|-|Nov. 19, 2009|[ Release 0.2 announcement].|-|Oct. 19, 2009|[ Release 0.1 announcement].|-|Oct. 12, 2009|[ Project expanded] to include ''boolean()''.===|-|Sept. 28, 2009 - Basic example working===|Basic improvements allow the rudimentary [ Processing example] to [ function in Processing.js].===|-|Sept. 27, 2009 - Humble beginnings===|The [ initial project proposal] has been posted. [ Repository] at github created.|}