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161 bytes removed, 13:25, 18 September 2009
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==Project Name ==
'''Follow Anna's Project Progress:''' []
==Project Description ==
==Project Leader(s) ==
Anna Sobiepanek * [[httpUser://|David Humphrey]]* [[User:Anna.sobiepanek |Anna Sobiepanek]] [http://zenit.senecacannasob.onwordpress.cacom/wiki/index.php/User:Anna.sobiepanekblog
==Project Contributor(s)==
==Project Details==
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. Processing is an alternative to proprietary software tools in the same domain.
Processing.js will:
- * enable Processing users to take advantage of the full power of the open web<br/> - * serve as a forcing function to drive improvements in key aspects of Mozilla products and technologies, including; JavaScript, Camvas Functionality, applications of Bespin, Ubiquity, Multi-Touch and others<br/><br/>
Read more on the project [ https://wikiProcessing For The Web]]
'''Project Task List: ''' is []
==Project News==