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Meeting Room T1042

106 bytes removed, 20:41, 26 February 2009
Booked 3 Open Content meetings
<!-- Feel free to delete old bookings ############################################-->
|2009-02-20 15:30-16:00
|Conference call with Doug Turner
|2009-02-20 15:00-15:30
|Conference call with Humphrey
|2009-02-24 10:30-11:40
|IBM - WTP Eclipse Meeting
|[[User:JAnastasiade|Jordan Anastasiade]]
|2009-02-26 15:30-16:30
|Open Access meeting
|[[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]]
|LUX Faculty Meeting
|[[User:John Selmys|John Selmys]]
|2009-03-12 15:30-16:15
|Open Content meeting
|[[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]]
|[[User:John Selmys|John Selmys]]
|2009-03-26 15:30-16:15
|Open Content meeting
|[[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]]
|[[User:John Selmys|John Selmys]]
|2009-04-09 15:30-16:15
|Open Content meeting
|[[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]]