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DPS909 and OSD600 Winter 2009 Eclipse WTP Weekly Schedule

376 bytes removed, 20:15, 17 February 2009
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<div style="color: red; text-align: center">'''Upcoming Special Events and Guest Speakers'''</div>
#[ '''Angel Vera'''], ''Eclipse WTP Project Team Committer''
#* Topic: <span style="background: #ffff99">''' WTP - API Concepts and Roles '''</span>
#** ''Server Tools Architecture''
#** ''Techniques to find the source code for a specific bug''
#* Time: ''' Tuesday Feb, 17 from 11:40 a.m. to 1:25 p.m. @ S2149'''
#[ '''Lawrence Mandel'''], ''Software Developer IBM Rational Software''
#* Topic: <span style="background: #ffff99">''' Eclipse Plug-in Architecture</span>