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DPS909 and OSD600 Winter 2009 Eclipse WTP Weekly Schedule

763 bytes removed, 10:41, 29 January 2009
Week 3 (Jan 26) - Navigating the WTP source tree
IMPORTANT NOTE: The marks obtained on the second milestone will be posted on your course page. Continue to '''''wiki and blog intensively''''' as a provided evidence of your persist involvement and dedication to improve WTP Projects by fixing bugs in such a wonderful community work.
 * For any discussion and course related questions please use [[Discussion and Helping Cornerthis page]]Purpose: Jordan our professor has told us in the class that we will ''help each other'' to solve our problems in this learning community. Indeed, we will be rewarded at the end of the semester if we have helped our fellow classmates to fix their bugs. Before we reach this goal, I think we can post up our problems and questions here. Some of us can offer our help by responding to these questions. As for me, I'm learning about a new culture of ''being "open"'' and ''collaborating'' with other students to solve my problems as well as others' problems. #Question(pliu): I've created a blog account and writen my first blog on How do I feed my blogs to the the Open Source @Seneca Planet? (I really enjoyed reading the blogs that were fed to this Open Source @Seneca Planet over the weekend.) Please help me. Thanks.