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Canvas3D Picking

1,820 bytes added, 13:11, 13 January 2009
January 2009
=== 0.3 - Dec 12th ===
==== Goal (Done) ====* Have Modified the project working or at least close Model.js to working include the following 2 functions** getVertices(with few minor bugs): returns the vertices of the object** getBoundingBox(aabb): Returns an array of the min/max XYZ values for the bounding box after it's been scaled* Made Picking.js** Disabled right-click menu on canvas** Creates the mouse vector from the camera to the far clipping plane*** 2 main variables: Mouse Origin and Mouse Direction Vector** Ray-Bounding Box Intersection Test*** Takes the min/max XYZ values of the bounding box, mouse origin and direction vector*** Returns true if intersect*** Need to transform the mouse origin and direction vector into the object's space before performing test** Sorts the intersecting objects from closet to furthest from the camera** Returns an array of object index in the sceneUpdated Class File and Model File Found Here: [[media: | Picking.js]], [[media: | Model.js]]<br/> The picking function will be part of the next release of the canvas 3D library.
== Project Updates ==
=== January 2009 ===
<i>Jan 9, 2008</i>
* Project is finish
** Triangle Test is implemented
** Completed version of [[media:picking(complete).zip | picking]]
** Triangle Test will be implemented to work with collada objects
=== December 2008 ===
<i>Dec 11, 2008</i>
* Tested intersection tests
** Cube, Sphere, and Teapot models
** Tested with objects at a rotated angle
* Still have bugs to identify and fix
** Fixed bounding box bug: there were blind spots when objects are rotated
* Skype Meeting
** Picking function will be released with just the bounding box test for now
** Can continue working to improve the picking function after - triangle test
** Possible project for next term is Collision Detection
* 0.3 Released and [[ blogged]]
<i>Dec 10, 2008</i>
* Worked with Andor
* Successfully completed the Ray-Box Intersection Test with minor offsets
* Cleaned up code
* Implemented Ray-Triangle(Ray-Plane) Intersection test
** Still has minor bugs with intersection tests
<i>Dec 8, 2008</i>
* Blogged about updates/progress/changes