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Package JBoss

1,204 bytes added, 01:37, 12 November 2008
no edit summary
== Project Contributor(s) ==
Name(s) of people casually working on == Project Details == This project is to package the JBoss Application Server for the project, or who have contributed significant helpFedora Project. Include links to personal pages within wikiThe goal is that by a 1.0 release JBoss will be a daemon  == Project News ==
NOTE*I have claimed this project today --[[User: only Project LeaderJohn64|John64]] 18:08, 18 September 2008 (sUTC) should add names here*I haven't been updating this page much. You '''can’t''' add your own name to the Contributor listI have been working on my 0.1 release [[User:John64|John64]] 16:57, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
== Project Details Releases ====== 0.1 Release ====This release includes:*Initial [ dependency chart]*Package submitted to Fedora to become a maintainer [ Bug 466301]*Initial [[JBoss specfile]] which builds and installs JBoss. It is highly broken, doesn't have an init.d script, no symlinks, no javadocs, no manual. It is a work in progress
Provides more depth than the Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, project specs, or other details. If To do this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to themI used some [[User:John64/Hacky_Scrtipts|hacky scripts]].
== Project News ==0.2 Release ====TBD
I have claimed this project today --==My Fedora Bugs==*[ 466301]Review and sponsorship request for 'ario' package*[Userhttps:John64|John64// 470703]Review request for 'links'*[ 225725] 18:08, 18 September 2008 Bug to change something in a conflicting package (UTCelinks)
== Useful Links ==
*[ Fedora Java Packaging Guidelines]
*[ JPackage Policy]
*[ JBoss Community Documentation]
*[ HTML to Wiki table]
*[ Java Packaging for Fedora]
*[ Java Packaing for openSuSE]
== Old Project Idea Thingy ==