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OPS245 Lab 1 dev

592 bytes added, 06:24, 5 January 2023
Part 2: Install RHEL on your Newly-Created VM
[[Image:partition_verification.png|thumb|right|450px|Carefully verify partition mount-names and sizes prior to proceeding with install. Check [ installation screenshots] link for verification.]]
::'''Connect to Red Hat:''':: Enter the '''User name''' and '''Password''' for the account you created in '''Investigation 1'''.:: Under '''Purpose''' Check the box that says '''Set System Purpose''':: For '''Role''' select '''Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server''':: For '''SLA''' select '''Self-Support''':: For '''Usage''' select '''Production''':: Check the box that says '''Connect to Red Hat Insights''':: Click '''Register'''. This may take a few minutes.:: Click '''Done'''.
::*From the installation summary screen, click '''Installation Destination'''.
<li>Check that your partition settings are correct (you can ask your instructor or lab monitor to confirm), and then click '''Done''' (possibly '''<u>twice</u>''') in order to proceed<br><br></li>
<li>A Summary of Changes screen will appear to show the partitioning operations that will be created. Click the '''Accept Changes''' and click '''Begin Installation''' in the Installation Summary screen to proceed with the installation.</li>
::'''User Settings:'''
::Click '''Create User'''
<li>Enter your first and last name</li>
<li>Set your username to your