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GPU621/Analyzing False Sharing

627 bytes added, 14:31, 7 November 2022
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== '''Preface''' ==
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In multicore concurrent programming, if we compare the contention of mutually exclusive locks to "performance killers", then pseudo-sharing is the equivalent of "performance assassins". The difference between a "killer" and an "assassin" is that the killer is visible and we can choose to fight, run, detour, and beg for mercy when we encounter the killer, but the "assassin" is different. The "assassin" is always hiding in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to give you a fatal blow, which is impossible to prevent. In our concurrent programming, when we encounter lock contention that affects concurrency performance, we can take various measures (such as shortening the critical area, atomic operations, etc.) to improve the performance of the program, but pseudo-sharing is something that we cannot see from the code we write, so we cannot find the problem and cannot solve it. This leads to pseudo-sharing in the "dark", which is a serious drag on concurrency performance, but we can't do anything about it.
= '''What to know before understanding false sharing''' =
== CPU cache architecture ==
The cpu is the heart of the computer and all operations and programs are ultimately executed by him.
The main memory RAM is where the data exists and there are several levels of cache between the CPU and the main memory because even direct access to the main memory is relatively very slow.
If you do the same operation multiple times on a piece of data, it makes sense to load it close to the CPU while executing the operation, for example a loop counter, you don't want to go to the main memory every loop to fetch this data to grow it.