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434 bytes added, 23:23, 15 September 2008
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= SPR720 -- Shell Programming =
== Professor ==
SPR720 is taught by [[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]] (Fall 2008).
==[[Fall 2008 SPR720 Weekly Schedule|Weekly Outline]]==
See the [[Fall 2008 SPR720 Weekly Schedule]] for specific dates and topics.
==[ Course Outline]==
=== Subject Description ===
Every UNIX Unix/Linux System Administrator must be capable of creatingAdministrators use scripts to automate repetitive tasks, debuggingschedule tasks for execution at preset times, automate software installation/removal processes, and running scriptsbuild tools. This course is an intensive look at Linux, from the command level, looks shell programming and at scripting in the Bourne Again SHell (BASH), RPM spec files, and introductory Python. Students will learn how to write, debug, run, and modify BASH scripts, spec files, and python scripts.
=== Specific Outcomes ===
Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
* Create and use BASH scripts * Create and use Makefiles * Create RPM Specfiles * Build RPM packages * Use Mock to test verify RPM build dependencies * Create and use simple Python scripts * Use basic regular expressions * Use common Linux commands
=== Topic Outline ===
* Open Source and Linux history and overview- 5% * Bash scripting basics and Linux commands - 20% * Makefiles - 10% * Building packages (SPEC files, rpmbuild, Mock, repositories) - 4035% * Python scripting basics - 20% * Using Python libraries - 10%
=== Modes Of Instruction ===
=== Prescribed Text ===
'''Learning Python''' - 3rd Edition by Mark Lutz; ISBN 0-596-51398-4 published by O'Reilly
=== Reference Material ===
''Learning the BASH Shell '' by Bill Rosenblatt and Cameron Newham Published by O'Reilly and Associates - 2nd Edition - 1998 ISBN 1-565-923-472
=== Promotion Policy: ===
To obtain a credit in this subject, a student must:
* Achieve a grade of 55% or better on the overall course
=== Modes of Evaluation:===
* Final Exam 40%
* Midterm Test 30%
* Term Work 30%
** Weekly labs 10%
** Project 0.1 release 5%
** Project 0.2 release 5%
** Project 0.3 release 10%