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OPS245 Lab 2

No change in size, 11:42, 2 February 2022
#When selecting the install options for centos2, do the same operation that you did in centos1 (but with '''Minimal Install''' software selection instead), but after '''automatically creating the partitions''', reduce the size of the root logical volume to '''8 GiB''' and add a logical volume with a size of '''2 GiB''' (mount point: '''/home''', name: '''home''', and make certain root and /home logical volumes have '''ext4''' file system).<br><br>
# <span style="background-color:yellow;">Complete the installation. Login to your regular user account.</span>
# <span style="background-color:yellow;">Repeat the steps as you did in the previous investigation ([ Investigation1 Part 1]) to '''stop and disable firewalld, install iptables-services, start and enable iptables''' for this newly-created VM.</span>
# <span style="background-color:yellow;">Repeat the steps as you did with c7host post-install to '''turn off (permissive) SELinux''' (using the command 'vi' instead of 'vim') and perform a '''yum update'''.</span>
# Issue the following command to obtain and record your centos2 IPADDR in your lab2 logbook: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">ip address show</span></code></b>
# What happened in the virtual manager window? In order to remove a VM entry in the Virtual Manager window, simply issue the command '''virsh undefine VM_name''' without the '''.xml''' file extension
# Start up your new centos4 VM.
# Click on the user <i>OPS235OPS245</i>, and click the cog icon.
# Notice <i>Cinnamon (Software Rendering)</i> is selected. The Cinnamon desktop environment has been installed on this VM. From this menu, you can select other installed desktop environments. This is how you switch between them. Write it down.
# Login with the password <b><i>ops235ops245</i></b>. Feel free to explore the new environment.
# Prior to your practical test, you will be required to perform a similar operation to download, unzip and run a VM image for your practical test.<br>
{{Admon/important|Shutting Down the Host while Virtual Machines are Running|If you shut down your host system while virtual machines are running, they will be suspended, and will resume the next time you boot your host system. Note that it is better to shut down the VMs prior to shutting down the host}}<ol><li value="12">For the remainder of these labs, it is assumed that you will backup <u>'''both'''</u> the images and XML configuration files for <u>'''all'''</u> Virtual machines, when asked to backup your virtual machines. It is also highly recommended to backup these files to an external storage device (eg. USB key) in case the host machine gets "wiped" and you need to rebuild your HOST machine and then restore your Virtual Machines...</li>