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OPS345 Lab 3

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= THIS PAGE IS A DRAFT, NOT A REAL COURSE PAGE = ''' The current schedule for OPS345 is here: [[OPS335_Weekly_Schedule]] * www instance was created in the last lab, with a static private IP, and port fowarding done from port 2211 on router to port 22 on www.* yum install httpd iptables-services* enable iptables* before starting the service, we'll configure the server to store all webpages on a separate volumehttp:** 1GB in us-east-1a** rename to www-data** attach to www (note reboot is not required)* ls /dev/xvd* -l # note /dev/xvdf* vgcreate vg_www /dev/xvdf* lvcreate -n lv_www -l 100%FREE vg_www* blkid* ls /dev/mapper/vg_www-lv_www* mkfslittlesvr.ext4 -L www ca/devwiki/mapper/vg_www-lv_www * vi /etc/fstab** /dev/mapper/vg_www-lv_www /var/www ext4 defaults 0 0* mount /var/www/* ls /var/www/* mount | grep /dev/xvd* ls /var/www/* mkdir /var/www/html* vi /var/www/html/index.php<source>Hello. My web server still works.<br />If this shows the current date and time, PHP works too:<br /><?php system("date"); ?></source>* chown -R andrew /var/www/html* systemctl start httpd* On router: iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to* On www: iptables -I INPUT 3 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT* service iptables save* Edit security group, allow HTTP* ss -atnp on router and www* install php, restart httpd* make proper html OPS345_Lab_3 This page:<source><html><head><style>body {background-color: powderblue;}table {border-spacing: 1cm 0cm;}h2 {color: blue;}th {text-align: left;}p {color: red; font-weight: bold;}</style></head><body>Hello. My web server still works.<br />If this shows the current date and time, PHP works too:<br /><br /><?php system("date"); ?><h2>Instance Info</h2><table><tr><th>Configuration</th><th>Value</th></tr><tr> <td><p>Private IP</p></td> <td><?php system("curl"); ?></td></tr><tr> <td><p>Public IP</p></td> <td><?php system("curl http://169has moved.254.169.254/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4"); ?></td></tr></table></body></html></source>* Removing public ip doesn't work. Have to modify subnet and recreate the vm:** Terminate www, rename it to www-deleted.** Modify subnet to not auto-assign public IPs.** Recreate the www instance with the same steps, except specify a primary ip.** Install httpd, php** To get yum install to work, allocate a new elastic ip "temporary" and associate with www** Note that www-data was not deleted when the original www was terminated. Attach it to www now.** All the data on the logical volume is still there, but fstab is gone, add lv-www back into there.** Start httpd, everything should be back to as it was.** Disasociate the public ip. Everything should keep working.** Release the elastic ip.* Add a 404 check for missing ip:<source><?php system("curl 2>&1| grep -q '404 - Not Found'", $rc); if ($rc == 0) echo "None found";else system("curl");?></source>* If you feel curious you can see what other metadata you can get via here:* Move www to ops345sgprivate, and add port 80 from ops345sg as a second inbound rule there. [[Category:OPS345]]