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OPS335 - Assignment 2

1,067 bytes removed, 02:40, 29 November 2021
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== General Requirements ==
'''Weight''': 2010% of the overall grade
'''Due Date (Summer 2021)''': During '''Week 12''' (check with your professor)
== Detailed Requirements ==
{{Admon/important|It is YOUR responsibility to Backup all of your VMs for this Assignment!|You are required to frequently backup your VMs prior to exiting a work session during this assignment. Your instructor will NOT accept the fact that your hard disk crashed and lost all of your work. If you properly backed up your VM images and xml configuration files to a USB, then you can purchase a new hard-disk or wipe and recreate your hard disk and restore your VMs. Students who fail to submit their assignment #2 by the last day of scheduled classes will receive an INC grade (assuming they passed all of the other requirements for this course) and will be required to show their instructor their working assignment #2 no later than 4PM on the first Tuesday of the next semester; otherwise, they will fail the course. Students with accommodations should discuss arrangements regarding due dates / submission of assignment #2. Students that are missing both of assignment #1 and assignment #2 will fail this course.}}<br /><br />
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