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Tutorial8: Links / Process Management

34 bytes added, 05:09, 24 February 2021
'''Review Questions:'''
# Hard Links:<ol type="a"><li>What is the purpose of creating a hard-link?</li><li>What is a limitation of a hard link?<li>Write a single Linux command to create a hard link called '''~/backup/myfile.txt.lnk''' for the <u>existing</u> file called '''~/myfile.txt'''</li><li>Write a single Linux command to display the '''i-node''' number for both files.Are the i-node numbers identical?</li></ol><br>
# Symbolic (Soft) Links:<ol type="a"><li>What is the purpose of creating a symbolic (soft) link?</li><li>What is a limitation of a symbolic (soft) link?</li><li>Write a single Linux command to create a symbolic link called '''~/shortcuts/murray.saul.lnk'''<br>to the <u>existing</u> directory called '''~murray.saul'''</li><li>Are the inode numbers identical for both of those files?</li><li>What data is contained in the file called '''~/shortcuts/murray.saul.lnk'''?</li></ol><br>
# Write a single Linux command to run the program called '''~/''' in the background.<br>a. What command would you issue to place the previously issued program in the foreground?<br>b. What command would you issue to confirm that this program is running in the background?<br>c. What key-combination would you issue to send that program again into the background?<br><br>