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4 bytes removed, 20:39, 12 June 2023
Protected "OPS635-prelab": OER transfer ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite))
*Remove the default virtual network.
*Create a new virtual network called opsnet.
** Address: 192.168.1[x].0/24, where x is the network number on blackboard. E.g. if your network number is 29, your opsnet network will be 192.168.12929.0/24.
* Disable DHCP, and allow forwarding to any physical device using NAT.
*Install a new vm using the same CentOS release as the host machine.
**You may wish to provide the VM access to more than 1 CPU and 1 GiB of RAM so it installs and updates faster.
* During the installation process:
**Set the hostname to blank.<yourdomain>.ops, using the same domain name as the host machine. **Provide your machine with a static address of your choice, using the host’s address for the primary DNS server and the gateway. **Set the timezone to Americas/Toronto. **Use a minimal installation (no GUI). **Set your root password, and create a non-privileged user account using your MySeneca ID.* If your MySeneca ID is long enough that typing it would be irritating to do on a regular basis you may use an alternate name, but you must clear it with me first.*Once the machine is installed, ensure it is fully updated.
*Shut down your VM, make sure the resource settings are reduced back to 1 CPU and 1 GiB of RAM.
*When you need a new VM, clone this one.