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OPS705 Lab 8 (2207)

432 bytes removed, 09:46, 1 December 2020
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= INVESTIGATION 2: Create A Second Database Instance =
In this investigation, you will create a new MySQL instance in AWS RDS, and create the same tables and parameters as the ''ebdb'' database from Investigation 1write down its information.
== Part 1: Create A Second MySQL Instance ==
# Once complete, add a second ''Inbound rule'' entry to your new security group (''lab8'') as you did in Investigation 1, Part 2.
== Part 2: Recreate Record the ebdb Database Connection Info ==This investigation will rely on your previous MySQL knowledge. Using the ''ebdb'' database from the '''first''' database instance as a template, create the necessary tables and table structure in Write down the ''ebdb'' database in your '''connector information for this second''' database instance (i.e. You''wordpress-db2''). It is advisable to connect to both database instances to compare as you create the second set of tables in the new instancell need it for Lab 9.
= Lab Submission =
# The RDS database info page for the database from Investigation 1.
# The RDS database info page for the second database created in Investigation 2.
# The new tables for the second database described. (CLI or GUI)
'''In the ''Comments'' text box for your submission on Blackboard, include the URL of your blog post.'''